We arrived just in time for the Praise & Worship Session. It was an awesome time of P&W which was led by Comdr. Rueben Ponniah and his team. Then comes the sharing of message by the new Royal Rangers Malaysia National Commander, Comdr.Gideon Lee. I must say that this man shared from his heart and you can feel the commitment and the passion he holds. For once after such long donkey years, I was very glad to adorn my RR uniform today which would have collected some web-spinning fibre from the spiders had it not been this conference. I guess, too much church politics, power struggle and what not had left everyone exhausted, weary but definitely not out.
While the new team of capable young leaders take over the helm of the new Royal Rangers Malaysia, I believe that there is a genuine call for changes and a new direction for this ministry. It was good to note that being newly elected, the new team had sought the seniors to help out during this conference.
I guess, we are all fighting only for one cause which is to glorify God by reaching, teaching and keeping boys and girl for Christ. I seriously believed that this new young team should be encouraged and given the opportunity to serve in the National Body. I guess, we should all give them a chance to not only serve but to lend a thought or two, give words of encouragement & support as well. Again, I say this, there is no perfect team here. Only God is perfect. But I like it very much when Comdr. Gideon shared on how we should work with him rather than work for him. I believe this is the needful attitude and mind set to have to bring Royal Rangers Malaysia to greater heights.
As discussion were made of the need to localised the materials and so on, I managed to catch some conversation time with some "old" friends like Comdr.Herbert, Comdr. William, Comdr. Mike Kuna, Comdr. Thomas, Comdr. Theresa, Comdr.Sonny, Comdr. Teoh, Comdr.Sathiaraj Francis, Comdr. Darren Teo, Comdr. Lim Kwang Yeu and many others. I am blessed that these old horses at still at it and slugging it out - week in & week out for the children. I
was encouraged and blessed that Cross Power church from USJ would be named RR Selangor 17 [ new outpost ]. I guess, that brought a lot of encouragement after seeing so many of good leaders had left the ministry. I must say I really miss the leaders from NS 1, NS 2, Pahang 1, Johor 3 and Johor 5 who did not attend this NLC 2010. They would have been encouraged by the enthusiasm and hope which was brought forward by the new National Commander and his team. Nevertheless, it is not about the leaders but all about the children and the Master Rangers. I pray that leaders understand that no matter how hard we debate, how argumentative we are regarding this and that or even devise this plan or that plan, all that matters is to reach, teach and keep children for Christ. Let us be focused and stand very focused on this.