It is funny sometimes how life would take a turn and just how much God trust you with your life. I will not pull punches and say that I could have died of a massive heart attack on 1st May,2011. It is never easy to describe how blessed I am to know how God had really preserved this life of mine. It all started out at about 3.45am on Sunday, I was awake and I felt discomfort plus slight pain near the chest area. Earlier in the afternoon before this, I went to the hospital to tell them of this discomfort but they could not find anything wrong with me but gave me 3 small looking tablets to be put under my tongue should this pain occur again. I never knew that that would save my life and I am so thankful to the Malay ER woman doctor who prescribed these tablets to me. Thinking nothing of it, I took it home and slept thru until that fateful morning. Quickly rushed down and put that tablet under my tongue and felt relieved but at 4.00am, I could not bear the pain and it was not stabbing pain or out of breath but just general same discomfort. I had no profuse sweating nor collapsed, short of breath or even the general signs of a heart attack. At the hospital, the attending doctor at the emergency room could not find what was wrong with me and for precautionary measures, I was asked to be admitted so that the cardiologist could take a good look at what is wrong with me. As it was Labour Day holidays, there wasn't much to do except to slumber on my bed and greet visitors that came that day. I wasn't tired or any of that sort - still in my usual self of laughing and having a ball of laughter with friends and visitors. The following day, I was to do the angiogram test to check once and for all what was wrong with me. Before that, I was stripped naked, put a flimsy white cloth while a male attendant shaved me at the groin like some Arabic kebab vendor. It was in a giff that the shaving was done and I joked with friends that I had been molested thru and thru....hahahaahhaahahaaa.... After the shaving was done, I hopped onto the bed with half my back bunny exposed onto the bed to be wheeled into the OT Room. Before this, I gave the nurse a hard time as she goes through the customary checking on name ( I told her wrong as I gave her another name! ), age, allergy ( I told her I am allergic to "wife"! No! No! SLing had been wonderful and poor woman had to go thru so much for me! Blessed her! ) and so on. When she gave me a blue pill to swallow, I asked the nurse if that is going to transport me to another world. She laughed and said " Uncle ni, macam-macam! " Throughout my ordeal, I joked, laughed and stayed positive as I just am going to go through whatever that is coming with a positive attitude and moved on.
As I was wheeled into the OT Room which was very cold, I told myself as I looked at my wife and friends , " This is it,folks. You need to get some flowers from the Krubong BBG house and prepare a nice large photo of me now. Make sure I am smiling, ok?". I wasn't nervous at all as I am resigned to the fact that whatever is going to happen is in His hands as I was prepped up for the test. My doctor, Dr.Ong PK did a wonderful job and I could see the entire procedure as I was conscious and awake. ( Don't know if that's good or bad! ) Then came the exclamation, " My God! Mr. Foo, you should have died with a 95% block at your artery. You have another damaged small one but with medication , this can be rectified. So, I need to do the ballooning. Is it ok, Mr.Foo?" I looked at him and said, "Wait-lar for it to go 100% first-lar, doctor. Then only balloon can or not!" No! No! I was just joking. That wasn't what I said. I told him to go ahead and he insisted to get my wife over and explained the situation to her. I could see from where I was lying , the horror on SLing's face ( Poor wife had been so stressed out! ). Luckily, Errol, Jason and Lih Gin was there to calm SLing down and gave the go ahead for a ballooning procedure. So, the procedure was effortlessly carried out with the stent in place and within an hour, it was done and I was wheeled out of OT into the ICU unit. I felt like I just had an engine overhaul and I was tired a little bit. Dr.Ong came over to see me and told me how lucky I was to be alive. I thanked him for the successful operation and he looked at me, shook his head and said " Many would have died with such damage, my friend." I looked at him and said, " I know, doc. Thank you so much" while I lift my heart to my Maker Above for He has preserved this life of mine! I give all honour, glory and thanksgiving unto HIM!
I could never be able to describe to you what I have gone thru but suffice to say that I am alive and well because of my MAKER ABOVE. I thank God that he has given me this life to live. I am also thankful to my wife, SLing for staying thru the ordeal I put her thru, my children , JWee and SYuen for staying strong and good friends who had helped my family go through this journey smoothly. Thank you for your fervent prayers and standing in the gap for me. It is good to be alive and well. To my colleagues, Teo & Tan DM, thank you for insisting that I go for a checkup! Thank you too to Errol, Jessica, Jason, Shirley, Dinesh, Abby, Lih Gin, Steven , Wan Sin, Min Toon, Bee Ling , On Tin, Daniel, Rosemary, Gillian, JK , Irene, Stefanie, Ivy, Vive, Sathy, BA, Jessy, Kuna, Cheng and a stream of friends for helping me go through this. I am blessed to have all of you,man..
So, when will I be having my Bak Kut Teh and the rest of the "goodies".......not so sure but soon.....hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Afterall, what's life without some fun,right?