I am back after surviving 11 grueling days in the flooded areas in Segamat. I guess, I must say that this joy of being at home will last another day or two before I hit the streets of the flooded areas again. Seriously, I just won't know where I will be this time around. Hopefully, it would be Melaka or even somewhere nearby. I have really learnt a lot during my days in Segamat. Minusing off the daily night meetings - long and arduous, at times, I learned that there is a lot of twist and turns to events surrounding our social strata standing. It is about connection - what cabling and where the cabling is, actually. The stronger the cable, the faster the complaints and the faster the handling. This is really totally absurd and barbaric in a way. The rich will always get their way by twisting some arm or two or fluttering some big shot name here and there or even using the influential and what not to get their ways. They aren't easy to deal with plus they are the ones that usually will flash a smile with you but hold a dagger to your back or throat. The average and the poor have to struggle a lot during these times , get agitated easily and they spew a range of flowery languages in the bright early morning of the day during one of my rounds. I guess, I can accept the work that I have to do but to receive stick, flowery language and harsh words each and every morning can be quite taxing to our frail sanity. Eleven days in such harsh environment will soften or probably butterised even the toughest nut in the industry while it will certainly crushed the soft spoken or even the less mentally strong colleague. I guess, I am lucky to say that I have a greater "bodyguard" (GOD) in my life! I give glory to God that in every case that I was assigned to, I had managed to do the best I could and without fear. I do know however that people will just lie straight to your face when it comes to money and compensation. They would not batter an eyelid to cheat , lie and say things to garner in more money for compensation. Yes,I do come across such people and I just ask God to deal with them as He has been gracious in my life.
It is really shocking what people will do for money and materials in this world. It is sad too when you see colleagues slogging it out under the sweltering sun from place to place but what is more shocking is the demanding level of superiors. I guess, the trend in our job industry today is this: the higher you are in the hierarchy of goons, the less sympathetic you are towards your staff. Take care of your own pompous ass and position. That's our superiors' stand. So, they work their workers to the brink of mental and physical exhaustion and claim the results of it. This is a real sore point at times. I am at that bottom of the food chain and often called the "Indonesian worker" level. Anyway, I must say that with good colleagues [ Melaka, KL and Ipoh ], we helped ease each other burdens by working well together, spending time for dinner and having drinks together. Yeah, the bunch of "Indonesian workers" on the field! Really glad to have such friends at work or else, we would all lose our minds after spending 11 days "jail" in Segamat.
Baring all obstacles, we managed to get our work done. It was really a team effort that made it happen. It isn't necessary to be pretty and nice but suffice to say that we have done our very best. Everyone took an effort to ensure that we work our butts off to finish the cases. Thank God, we made it. We managed and it was a satisfying feeling but deep at the back of our minds, we know that they are still many out there that still await our arrival. But just for today, we savored the feeling that we have completed one portion of our work and celebrate with a good night sleep to our names. It was a wonderful feeling. Let tomorrow work out its' battle; for today, we sleep!~ Thank you to all friends and family who have taken time to pray for my safety and well-being while I am at work. I really appreciate those calls and sms of encouragement especially Vive,Dinesh and Abby. I appreciate your concerns and your steadfast care. Thank you very much.
I don't know whether I'll be able to walk on the street of Segamat again without having anyone spit or speak harshly to my face but I believe that's reality of life. Take it and move on, right? After all, we will win some and we will definitely lose some battles, right?~ Just glad to have some rest - the simplest pleasure of life.