Come on, people! The government is a new government. Cleaning up the mess of 61 years is no easy task. I really and truly sympathised with the new leaders as they are trying their best to do what is right for the country and so are the state governments. Give them a chance to start afresh with new ways to tackle the economy of the country. I believe, many of us are well aware of the ills of the previous government and the clean-up act can be quite a momentous task. There are still many supporters of the previous "dedak" government and this is still evident in the government machinery. Afterall, being accustomed to dedak culture can be quite a task to clean up...need to "alternate , control and delete" re-load new software of " clean-up virus" before can re-boot. That too may not be enough to eradicate the "dedak virus" which had been enshrined in the system for such a long time. I am very sure, you people can understand that , right? Yeah, I am also very appalled why a post mortem report on a simple death in Kuala Lumpur hospital still needs 6 months to write while the family still suffers by the constant " masih dalam process. Mungkin akan ambil masa 6 bulan hingga 1 tahun untuk disiapkan" Does these hospital staff at Bahagian Rekod understand the trauma faced by the family members needing to go through the normal process of insurance claim, property transfer, banking procedures and so on? Yeah, their incompetence are hanging up the entire process? Yeah, I am hitting out at those people sitting behind the damn desk at Bahagian Rekod in the hospital! Do your DAMN job! This is one example that will tick off the public la.......One example la that people can complaint about the new government. Like I said, I sympathised with the new leaders of the government but I don't sympathised those staff in the new government who still have the previous government mentality! From the Pengarah right to the clerk/kerani should be given red card la! Tukar budaya ...buang yang keroh dan ambil yang jernih la...I want to tell these Pengarahs and little Napoleons at the government department, this is not the era of "same old same old". If you cannot do your job, resign and move on. Jangan menyusahkan hidup orang lain la....
I dare say that the leaders are coping with the task ahead of rebuilding the country but there is also a need to ensure that new policies and policing be done to ensure that these government officials do their work and not spend time on golf courses la or having taklimat here and there just to waste time or having kumpulan karipap meeting all the time. Like I said, hard mules of 61 years of corrupted culture still lives strong in some of these people and the only way to get things done is to genuinely eradicate these so-call hard core mules of the old mules. These are fattened cows and mules over the years while good and hardworking servants are being asked to leave or even severely punished over the years by serving the people. People also forget that the government is still young and not so forgiving not because they don't care. The public cares ( that's why they voted for change! They did not vote for DSAI or Rafizi only! ) They voted because they want a change in the direction of the country. Yes, there is a need to be patient with the new government, for sure. But stop la from fighting the same old lines of the former regime! Stop on fighting for racial base politics. Cukup la dengan politik perkauman! How many times you want to overkill the racial base politics? Balik-balik same issues - race, religion and rights! All these are already enshrined in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia! No one mengugat kedudukan ini! No one is trying to change the Constitution! No one is trying to curi hak-hak instimewa ! No one is trying to bully anybody! CUKUP la with all these "api-api" and all these unnecessary threats! Politicians are the only ones fighting for survival of their own balls, I dare say!
The rakyat is very aware of the powers in our hands. If you don't perform, you will be replaced. If you are corrupt. you will be exposed because no one is going to stand seeing you take in or telan so much money without opening their mouth to talk these days. I learned a long time ago from our forefathers that it is better to stay poor than to steal. Yes, you can say I am from the old school of thought but I believe those cultures and way of life are good roads of principles.
Look, people forget that these leaders are trying their best. If they are corrupt, we expose them. The electronic media is one way while people in the right places will continue to expose the corrupt because a good dose of the fear of God can be quite the road of making our country a better place to live in. So, stop playing the same old sentiments to stay in power. I dare say that a 93 year old Dr. M can only do that much. It is the new leadership that needs to stand up and build new Malaysia for Malaysians. Please la, stop playing the game "Who Wants to be a Billionaire?" or watch too much "Games of Thrones". Concentrate of making the country well again.....Malaysia is like one tropical paradise with very very sick leaders la.....Our leaders really need penicilin and Panadol for creating headaches after headaches!
As for the retired army personnel and friends in the army, I am dissapointed that you people who had once fought with your lives for this country are the ones making it very difficult for the new government. Your pension fund was siphoned off by the old government. Let the new government look into ways to help you people. I am sure, they are trying their best. Hitting out at the new leaders ain't helping because I am very sure , jasamu tetap dikenang. For those bigshot retired Brigadier General and Generals, I am sure you are aware of your own code of ethics and conduct, right? Give these leaders a chance. I am sure you are well aware of honor and integrity. In fact, I have a lot of respect for my retired army personnel who campaigned for the wins for PH team all over Malaysia. I shall not forget the day I heard this ex-serviceman at the PH rally in Melaka in May, 2018 who spoke at length at the support for the PH government. That is honor and integrity at its best, SIR! I am not making excuses for the PH government. I truly believe, they are doing their best but yet, at the back of the minds of many Malaysians, " How clean are our leaders? How trustworthy are our leaders? Are they corrupted as the previous ones or worst? Are they fighting for rakyat or for themselves? " Let us not kid ourselves that everything will be okay. The road to recovery is still long and unpredictable. Let us give that benefit of doubt to these new leaders, shall we ?
In saying so, I also want to warn the PH government and state governments of the enemy within. Those wolves in sheep clothings. Please, please check the background of these people before you appoint them in Cabinet or local authority or even join your party. Weed out these corrupters of the previous government and pretenders of goody two shoes! Don't sing the same tune of the previous government lest you will fall like a ton of bricks. Yes, we may not see what you are doing but God sees them. At least, have the fear of God in you. These wolves are waiting in the wings or already in the PH team waiting to walk on the shame road like the previous government. We have had enough money stolen under our noses. We have HAD ENOUGH scandal in 1MDB! Let us have no more of such scandalous blunders and blatant rompaking la.....The rakyat is already very tired of being robbed, raped and make to look like bloody fools of the world! Get the country moving to the right road. CUKUP la! Jangan mempersendakan rakyat MALAYSIA lagi dengan skandal-skandal dan pemimpin-pemimpin yang tak berperikemanusiaan di negara ini. The racial card trump and the adulteration of religious hatred should be stopped dead at the tracks or else it will be the downfall of any government. We have seen perpetrators, pengkhianat negara and unsavory leaders willing to use disharmony and such dirty tactics to win the elections and to create trouble in this country. It should be stopped. There is no room for such hatred and such fanaticsm in this beloved country of ours, MALAYSIA. We are MALAYSIANS - Malay, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Kadazans, Eurasians, Ibans; each and every one of us.
This is my plea and plea of the millions of people in Malaysia who wants to see the country move forward to greater economy, greater well-being and nasib rakyat terbela. We need a responsible government. We need a hardworking government. We need a trustworthy government. Please, don't let us down.....we need to rise up. Rise up to the dawn of a new Malaysia. Please, let us put our hands together to re-build MALAYSIA, our country.......our home land.