This morning, SLing and I woke up early today as we needed to catch the early train to Osaka Station before heading towards Kansai International Airport. Like the first day, it would be quite a tight schedule as we need to board the right train to get to the airport on time. After everyone is ready , we lugged our luggages and get down to subway to catch the train to Osaka Station before moving on to Kansai International Airport. This time, it was quite a rush to get to the airport on time and we made it with the extra charge of the train as we got on the wrong/right train to the airport. We boarded the speedier train in which we had to pay extra for the journey and the right part is that it is going to the airport! Confusingly confused but we get to the airport and that was important.
From here , we flew 3 ½ hours to HK Airport for transit. Rested there (transit ) for about 2 hours before boarding the plane from HK Airport to KLIA for another 3 ½ hours. Throughout the flight and transit, I could not help but miss Osaka, Kyoto and Nara. Sure, there was a lot of food I missed out like sashimi, sushi, Kobe beef, wagyu beef, lobsters, sea urchins, fugu, crab legs and so on but they are simply just too expensive for my taste, really. I know, I would get a lot of sticks and brick bat from you people but that’s the way it is for me, actually. As I pondered on what makes me happy in Osaka, I must say that it was the weather and the fun we had as a family. Sure, we do have our good and bad days but it is only natural that we dwell on the good rather than the bad, right?
Personally, it was a very good trip for me and the family. Though I know that at times, my tempers get the best of me but I try my best to be at my best behavior in which I believed I did fairly well. It is never easy to please everyone but it was really a good trip as I really enjoyed myself. Maybe I am not accustomed to high prices in Japan or any overseas country for that matter. Maybe, this country bumpkin is used to mid-budget lifestyle and so, it can be quite shocking to body and mind system when hit with prices after conversion and so on. Probably too, I can’t get used to that system that I do hyperventilate at times and felt my heart stopped beating for some time after looking into the prices of things. Finally, when I get used to the price, I believe the prices are competitive especially in an advance country like Japan. I guess, it cannot be helped when prices are high in this metropolitan city like Osaka.
The strategic location of the hotel also made it easier for us to move about and to get food and so on. With convenience stores like Lawson, Seven Eleven and small marts around, it was convenient and easy to get the essentials.
I’m also very thankful that it was really a nice atmosphere of travel and there was no complaints. The only complaint is always the weather is too cold and that too is complimentary as the weather is like that especially towards the end of the year. Thank God for that! It was all a very positive morning and very good travels. I must admit that I do get confused when I looked at the train lines. Thank God for Wei & Jade plus Ryan navigation skills that got us through to where we want to go. So, so blessed by their navigation skills as it can mind boggling I tell you! If you ask me, we would probably end up in Fukushima, Kobe or Hokkaido or some smaller towns somewhere! I am bad at navigations ,man.
I have also learned that the culture, way of life and ethics in other people’s country are so important too. The Japanese folks have this special way of ensuring that you do what they do when in their country. They are not afraid to tell you off when you cut queue or do not line up. They also have this uncanny look of displeasure when you do the things they tell you not to do. Many a times, I realized that they are honest enough not to cheat you when it comes to your money. They will not take more than what is required and they would return you your change indefinitely. There is strictly a no tipping policy and they adhered to that. That’s the ethical side I wish to see happen in Malaysia,man! It is comforting indeed to see this type of trait in their daily life.
Then, there is this politeness that seemed to look to be too good to be true thingy. My personal observation is that they are polite but their displeasure is shown when they get pass you. So that to me is quite disturbing. I would prefer you show your displeasure to me than to fake it and then swear the world about me later. Well, just my thinking though.
I like the “clean after food” policy. It is natural to see the locals clean up the place after they have had their meals and so on. That is so cool, actually. We are so used to the messy , greasy and even sometimes, dirty eateries but the locals keep it clean by making you clean the tables after you have finished your meal. I could get used to this and I am fine with this. It is the right mindset to dispose off food or rubbish after meals.
What I still couldn’t digest are the serious usage of handphone in public transport and the regimented lifestyle. Everyone is looking into their handphones every minute as though it is the only thing/gadget in this whole world. I am aware that tons of information flows/sieve through the handphone throughout the day but it is good sometimes to see our surroundings or even smell the roses at times. I still couldn’t get used to the running or moved hurriedly to get to your train thingy. With the level of efficiency and reliability on public transport, there is no need to rush to work that way. It baffled me that one should risk one’s life by running to the next train line station on stilettos or even high heels! I believe the “rush rush “ mentality doesn’t mean well to the people. It just added another dimension of stress to the people who are already hit with long working hours and stressful working conditions. Maybe, sleeping and resting during lunch hours had helped them de-stressed but it is good to be calm and easy.
Another observation which I believed was a good trait is that the towns are very clean. There is practically no rubbish being strewn carelessly in the cities and towns unlike some countries/places of interest and towns I have been. Though rubbish bins are not easy to find, nevertheless, you don’t see rubbish anywhere. There would always be a proper place to throw your rubbish away. That is very commendable and heart warming. Conservation of nature and natural surroundings are equally important. It is good to know that though it is a modern city or township, nature and natural beauty are preserved and appreciated.
I also like the orderly mannerism too. Like when you are using the escalator , you move to the right to give way to people who may be in the rush to move along on the left. These are already accepted norm of life that are incorporated in their lives. It is also nice to see that even though they may not speak English or shy about their English, they would do their best to help you even if they resort to showing match stick figures or any signs to get the information across.
That’s why I say it again that whenever I get the chance to travel, places of interest do interest me but my primary interest has always been the lifestyle and the people. I find it fascinating to learn about culture, history and the general people. It excites me to know why people of this culture react to such acts or what makes them tick or react. These are the interesting traits that I would look for in my travels.
As I pondered on the days that I have spent in Osaka, Kyoto and Nara, the experiences had been wonderful. Though the Japanese are thoroughly trying to protect their culture and way of life but slowly they are mellowing the lure of inflow of cash through tourism or rather the enticement of the tourism JPY via the tourist pests. Hahahahahaaaaaaa……….life is just a bitch as with all countries when dealing with tourist pests! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa………..
On a more serious note, I believe, there is a certain charm, peace and calmness that welcomes the visitors to this country that makes Japan one of the favourite tourist destination. Sure, it is an expensive affair to be entwined with Japan but it is that quality of refinement that entices the people to come back year after year.
To me, Japan is one helluva expensive place to travel to and to be able to at least be in this land once in our lifetime is already an achievement of a lifetime itself. I am just glad or rather, fortunate to have travelled to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara in this lifetime of mine. It has truly been an experience of great sights, great fellowship and great fun. Once again, THANK YOU, Wei & Jade for making it happen for all of us, the country bumpkins!
What could I have ask for more……. absolutely nothing more!