This “silencing” and curtailing had done a lot of damage to this country. Had it not been the exposing of these horrific financial crimes like the 1MDB and a host of other financial ruins in our country by the brave young men and women in the electronic media, I believe the perpetrators would have gone off scott-free from their crimes. (They are still wriggling their way out of the corruption charges and some have managed to somehow! I hope they burn in eternal hell! ) It really doesn’t matter who runs the government of the day. If they are dirtying their hands in coveting the nation’s purse or kitty bank, they are ROBBERS and THIEVES! We are all Malaysians. It doesn’t matter if that person is a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan, Sikh or whatever, if that person dipped his/her hands into the kitty to rob the nation, they are thieves, robbers and liars. Logically, there is no other names to call these people as I know except aptly known as thieves and robbers. If we do not fight this despicable act or condoned these robberies and corruptions, we are cowards and traitors to the people who had fought hard and died for this nation.
The country had suffered so much in financial terms that we are on the brink of collapse! We are too “bodoh sombong” to admit this especially our ruling government to admit that we are on the verge of a financial collapse. I am appalled that we continue to support a government of kleptocrats and power hungry racists that continued to harp on racial issues and religion matters to stay in power. Lest not forget that there are people on the streets tonight virtually hungry and homeless. These are newly evicted families, men and women who lost their jobs and a growing number of people joining the already swelling numbers of homeless and destitute people we have on our streets today. Let us not pretend that these people do not exists because if you walk down the town at 2.00am onwards you will see the tragedies that had befallen these people. Just because you are able to sleep in your comfortable and warm bed with a hearty dinner doesn’t mean that the others are the same. There is this numbing truth that the nation is sinking further into the abyss of hopelessness and dire frustration. Food and shelter had never been an issued with some higher ups but when you lose your job and soon to lose your shelter call home, you tend to realise that the tsunami of reality will hit you like a bullet train in your face. As leaders, are you so dumb to realise this? Everyday survival is the order of the day today. You will never ever look at the humble eggs or the dried noodles in the same way anymore. It is such an integral part of our lives these days! I remember the earlier days when ikan kembong or even ikan selar kuning were just the fish for the day but nowadays even these fishes are even beyond the purchasing means of the poor whatmore the middle income folks. It is devastatingly sad and unthinkable in many ways. Let’s not thread on the poultry and beef matters or else it might end up in some condo somewhere! I remember one moronic leader mentioning that the price of poultry went up because of the expensive price of the chicks!!! I really don’t know where he gets his education from but I strongly believe his Economics teacher would have been rolling in his/her grave for having such moronic student!
Like I used to say to my friends, we are NOT a poor country. We have ample of agricultural and natural resources to boost our country economy. Our oil reserves , our natural resources like rubber and oil palm including our rice fields and agricultural products are squeezed dead out to the last drop and messed up big time by kleptocrats, robbers and thieves! Maybe the folks in the kampongs could be tricked into believing that our resources are well managed and maintained but the urban folks are not so gullible. These are including the learned, the educated and some portions of the rural areas. The annals of massive corruption, mismanagement, stealing and gains are rampant and demoralizing to our country’s economy. These are blood , sweat and tears of the fishermen, farmers, labourers, industrial and SME players doing their part for the country and where does it all go? Right into the dirty pockets of the very same fraudster who call themselves people’s representative today. How many more people like this who will be freed from their day at the courts?
I am baffled at how a government turncoat/spy was not asked of how did that person had come to acquired USD 6million cash in the house but instead the issue was that some of the returned monies were fake! Charges of espionage among others were dropped! OMG! How the hell did a government servant had come to acquire USD6 million should be the No.1 question, man! The corruption cases in Malaysia are truly unthinkable indeed. Look at the massive charges being brought on but virtually the public has lost confidence in the judiciary and the authorities like PDRM, AG Office and even the SPRM for their conflicting views of what corruption or breaking of the law is all about. It is as though these people did not commit any act of corruption in the first place. I am even more appalled when the entire resources were mobilized to track and to nab poor Nur Sajat merely for doing his/her part of alms/donation. Hounded and tracked like an animal, Nur Sajat was finally nabbed in Bangkok. Fulamak! Right in the heart of Thailand, man. When I went to Bangkok about 3 or 4 years ago, Bangkok is like a city that never sleeps while a crowd of people is always noted on the streets. Wow! I must congratulate our authorities for finding Nur Sajat,man. BTW, my question is :- What about the whereabouts of Indira Gandhi’s husband and children? Where is the whereabouts of Jho Low? Where and what happened to Nicky Low? What happened to all the allegations made by the then outgoing Police Chief? Just look at all the charges being dropped at all the corruption charges to the political people?!!! Just look at all the wasteful resources just to nab Nur Sajat. His sexuality is really none of my concern but his liberty and his rights are the concerned of all Malaysians. Wasteful resources and unwarranted abuse just to nab one transgender! Billions and millions had been siphoned off without a fraction of remorse nor guilt in this country. What a country we live in! Surely the pits of hell could not go any lower but it apparently did! I am sure, there will be many more scandals and whatnot coming our way soon enough.
I am sickened to my arse when I hear some of these politicians speak in our Parliament. There is no real serious effort to help this country grow and strengthened. It is like a gimmick in a circus show! There is simply no seriousness in their efforts to help this country grow. Fielding questions for the sake of answering with no real moves to help out our ailing nation. Except for the efforts to fight Covid-19, basic amenities such as water supply , electricity supply, floods mitigation and natural disasters are still being discussed without a sight of end. I am pretty sure this wasn’t the first time I’ve heard all these issues being discussed and brought to the fore front! 64 years of independence and there are still places in MALAYSIA without clean water supply and electricity supply! What a failed nation we are! I remembered those years when I was serving in a rural area in Sabah, water supply was like teh tarik while electricity supply was like 8 hours -12 hours of the day with frequent trippings and breakdown. Till to date, I still hear of places with no proper clean water and electricity especially in OA villages and interiors in Sabah and Sarawak. You seek votes and made promises during elections but never fulfilled when votes are casted. Electrical poles are up together with the tele-communications poles are up but the service is not there! You threatened when you lose. You threatened even more when you win. I sometimes wonder why God would not smite you to death just like the olden days in the Holy books?
People used to say that pay back time in during the GE. However, every damn time the GE is around the corner, there will be many suggestions that we give this government or that government to try to make this country right. My answer is simply this : Take the bloody courage of yours and change the bloody government! Vote for what is right and make a difference. I cannot do it alone but it takes a whole load of us to have that perspective to change the government for the better! We need to punish corruptors, pretenders of justice and that asses of power maniacs. We need to return to the spirit of giving our country a breath of hope and a chance to be a clean government. We should not entertain corruption and religious bullshit at any level. We must ensure that our younger generation knows this and wants a clean nation to start with ; not with saddlings debts and restrainment in their hands. Old, racists, religious bigots and corrupt politicians should go.
I really look forward to GE15 so that I live to see a real change this time in our country minus the pretentious traitors, alarming schemers, power cartels, religious pretenders and corrupted individuals. GOD save our nation, MALAYSIA!