I was so mad with myself for missing out on my daughter's participation in the Inter-school competition. [ Hey, family is important, ok? ] I was so wrapped up in trying to finish my work in the office that I totally forgot about her participation. I guess, I was very dissappointed with myself. You bet, she worked real hard and I am so proud of her! It's not that her voice is good but hey, she can really sing, man! Well, don't look at me if you are think if she got the great attributes from me! Definitely not from me! It is from God, ok?
Anyway, I am so proud to announce that her school team got 2nd place! That's a great achievement. Heck! Everyone wants to win , right? But coming in second is itself a good achievement. So very proud of her! Probably gonna get her something for her to celebrate when my financial situation improves over the next few days. [ Yeah! Waiting for my reimbursement to come in! ] To the choir teacher who takes the trouble to help this children to achieve what they did today, I salute you and God bless your heart for taking the initiative to discover great talents ! Who knows, today- choir competition , tomorrow - Malaysian Idol, perhaps?
Congrats to Shwu Yuen!! When you celebrate for your daughter, don't forget to invite the "extended family" too for the celebration:)
At Machap..
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