You see, most times, I get info from say A regarding his/her situation. So as usual, I would contact my network of friends and see how we can help A. But when A goes to tell the contacts, his/her info are actual half-baked truths, incomplete info and sometimes "kept secrets" or "cannot tell info". So , in the end, when the contacts comes back to me, I become the baddiest [ no such word but just trying to stress the major seriousness of the situation! ] person on the whole earth for giving out such info in the first place. Well, it is sad,man! Really, my integrity & honesty is at stake here, man ! So, it frustrates me when I try to help someone and I end up being the guy with incorrect info! I have never felt so frustrated in my life because not only do I see this at work but I also see in a lot of matters in our daily lives. It makes me wonder, why help in the first place? Such was the pinnacle of my frustration. There is just too many half-truths, what-you-don't-know-is-better-for-you thing and all the rest of the crap! At the end of the day, I get the other end of the stick while A gets scott free & life goes on as usual! Why can't we just be bloody truthful about things? Sigh................................. So , now, only if very X500 very neccessary, I make a new ruling - spill the guts, vomit EVERYTHING or you can forget about help.
BTW, I am bloody sick and tired of all this secretive things here and there/ hide some things here and there and so on! It saddens me that if the "thak chek " - learned people, also can do like that what more the "boh thak chek" ones !
So, from this day forth, my new slogan for daily living is " DON"T CARE & DON"T WANT TO KNOW" ! It starts today......period!
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