I am not ashamed to say that I have had a gamut of personal experiences that ranges from the nice to the not-so-nice, the good, the bad and the ugly situations but I have learnt one thing for sure that is there is a real GOD that watches over us and that there is no better love than the ones we get from our home.
In our mixed, sick and wicked society that we live in today, snares and entrapment are set aplenty before us. The joy of entrapment is actually the joy of the world we live in today. But not everything is about the evil one. There are times we simply give too much credit than the evil one actually deserves. Many times it is about our obedience to God, our walk & stand with God and the most important, the choices we make in our lives today. Whatever decision we make, good or bad, we have to face the consequences. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, ok? So what do you do when you make a bad decision and things turn out worst than you actually expect? Well, the No.1 priority is to get back to your knee ministry. Seek the Lord, confess it to the Lord and turn from your evil ways. Get back to true repentance. It is the only thing that I know, my friends. There is no easier way than this ~ repent and get back to Him for only the Lord gives comfort to a grieving and contrite heart. No.2 - Get back to your family. Difficult, embarrassing, painful it may seemed, they will love you no matter what happens. There is no greater love I've ever seen than the one potrayed by a father and mother. Sure, they will be dissapointed, angry and sometimes say things that may hurt but do you realised that they themselves are hurt too by what you have done. However, that doesn't mean that they love you any less. Know that it is never easy to raise a child and every single one of the parents are first -timers parents. Meaning - they learn to be fathers and mothers as they raised you up. Equipped with some small infomation, they nurture you and raised you in the very best manner they can with the help & hope from God! So , appreciate them, my friends!
For the young people out there, I want you to know that you just don't know the very love your parents are showering you. They may seemed to be harsh but in actual fact, they love you to bits. That's why the Prodigal Son story in the Bible is such a significant story to relate to. The Father in the story wasn't interested in what the son had gone through and neither was he interested to know that his son was in tattered and smelly clothes. He was more interested in knowing that the prodigal son is back, hugged him tight and quickly asked his servants to clothe his son with the best and finest. Yes, many of us knows this story~ be it from our kindergarten years to our adulthood years. My question is :- Do we really treasure this story with our hearts? Have we put this into reality? Or it is just another sweet biblical story like many others?
This is a real challenge to my heart as I raised my son and daughter to adulthood. Yes, they sometimes give me headaches and heartaches which probably will drive my mental thermometer crazy. But I have a confession to make [ they say confession is good for the soul !~] : I love my children very much. I will not spoilt them with indulgences nor will I spare the rod when it warrants a good whack! Yunno, I too have asked myself if I have been able to " walk the talk" upon digesting the story of the Prodigal Son? Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that I love the both of them very much and I just want to honour God by walking the talk when I raised my children. I also want them to know that they have a unrestricted access to me whenever, wherever and whatever they needed me ~ be it from their young age to even adulthood one day.
That's why during a crisis, we need not to comment, condemn and further aggravate the situation but to move towards repentance cum healing and plenty of understanding and support . Please choose to respect and understand this. The hurting family doesn't need more heeping of problems to their already brimmed full difficulties. So, the next time you see a family going through healing process, choose to play your good part by supporting them in prayers and in their needs~ whatever it may be! Remember, you may go through dark storms of life at the present moment but know that there is always a silver lining after the storm! That is the sure promise of the Mighty One Above!~
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