Before I forget, I am ever so thankful for all of you who had sms , emailed and even left a comment or two over my article on "Speaking Up! " I am not doing it for any self -gain but only to speak afresh what's in my humble heart. I am humbled by your kind words of encouragement and support. I am even more humbled in my heart knowing that each and everyone of you cared for what legalism, arrogance and pride of the human shepherd are harming our very basis of religious foundation. Thank you for that "big" show of support. It beats suffering alone in silence year after year, yunno. I shall not let up in my speaking up for what is right and just. In all humility, I will stand up and not be beaten. If I fall, I will make sure that I rise to my feet and continually stand up even if I am beaten again and again and again. This is my solemn promise!
Coming back to the workshop scenario, as I looked around, sure, I was interested in the panel beater and his work but something else caught me.
It is the dented, twisted,crumpled cars around the workshop. Yunno, those damaged cars are like all of us while the workshop is like our church establishment. Rather than being the workshop manager, our Lord work as the lone panel beater ; restoring each and every one of us as we come in battered and weary. Then I realised that instead of joining the panel beater in restoring the hurt, the battered, the sick, the poor, the marginalised, the broken-hearted and the cold, our so-call human shepherds turned into self-elected workshop supervisors and mandors. As there is only one panel beater, many cars don't get repaired and ready for the next battle on the road. I guess, this is actually what is happening in our church today, right? Then , came in a damaged BMW car for repairs. Suddenly, the self-elected supervisor and mandors started to crowd around the BMW car while the panel beater just looked from afar, shaking his head and continued restoring the car he was working on. While everyone fussed around the BMW car, other cars did not get repaired and restored.
Yunno, the best part of this experience was that the real owner of the workshop is the panel beater. He was such a hands-on guy that he was not interested in position or the accolades. All he ever know is to repair and restore cars - no fancy words nor clothes nor money to flash around. So, when he chided his staff for putting so much monkeying on the BMW, they quickly dispersed and started doing their own work at the workshop. I was amazed at the lesson that I am learning from our Heavenly Father.
The other thing is that this is a new workshop with new tools, new machinery and new automation to work on. It is not only big and spacious but there is still room for more damaged cars to be repaired. When I asked the panel beater [ the boss ] about the lack of workers, he told me that he is going to send some of the his workers for field training and employ new graduates from the local instuition to work in his workshop. He is also hopeful that by sending out his workers, they would be more competent in their job and work ethically as the car workshop business had been riddled with corruption, deceit and shoddy workmanship. Sounds familiar? He further added that in their business, there are aplenty of cars to be repaired but skilled workers are too few. That's why he continued that it's his intention to train those new workers and then later on as they are ready, they could help built the business and solicitated more business - well repaired cars and good reputation will bring in the business. He is also practical in saying that sooner or later when these guys are more competent, they would want to open their own business and he welcomes it even though he would need to re-train again and again and again. Does this sound familiar to you?
As I left the workshop, I have learnt my lesson well. I am greatly inspired by the panel beater, the workshop and the damaged cars!~ For those of you who are familiar with this scenario, let's continue our walk with the Lord and do our very best for the Lord. Don't let up in our struggle for righteousness and serving the Lord. I will continue to speak out for what is just and right. I don't want to be battered all the time. I can stand up because the Lord will enable me to stand upright and be accounted for!~ God bless you all.~
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