When I arrived in Bahau, I immediately searched out my intended case workplace. Then , I headed out to have a quick chow down at a nearby place. Upon arriving, I was asked by the proprietor[ stroke victim ] if I wanted to have some food. I answered positively and then he told me that he couldn't help me on the scooping of rice and dishes while I have to do it myself. I replied that I was alright and would get it myself. I spoke to him that he should be resting and seek recovery instead of attending to the food business. He instaneously replied that " wa gian lui, mah" - [ Hokkien translation : I just love money! ] and laughed. His wife, a big burly woman came out and said the same thing but added that the economy is bad that they couldn't afford to rest as the scenario is very much tougher nowadays. I just shook my head and ate my rice quietly. Then as I did my work, again when I asked the proprietor on her working days, she replied Mondays to Sundays. As usual and out of spontaneous stupidity, I blurted the question," You are wokring on Sundays too?" You've guessed the answer! "Wa Gian Lui-mah!", she replied and laughed. Then , she needlessly went on to explain the need to feed the family and the children and the saga continues. I see the mother's heart here but I guess, everyone has got their reasons for doing so , right?
The last time I checked i.e. this morning, the "bak chang" were still intact at 7 pieces. I know, it'll be down to four come dinner time! BTW, I am without my spectacles today while at work. [ I left it on the table this morning as I rushed to work! ] So, every word is a blur to me and I am quite miserable without it as I had to strained my eyes to see and to type words! Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhh! I am going for a coffee break!~
Hello friend...lately you have been commenting so much on food...yummy...wow the bak chang is not only big it must definitely be delicious coz it was made with a lot of love....Cheers!
Wow! What huge bak changs! I just lurve changs! When i was young, neighbours used to give us a whole "ikat". We always look fwd to chang season. Now...nobody give us chang anymore *sob* and to buy it's mahal and also dunno nice or not. *sigh* U're blessed brother! :)
Thank you so much! Food is mu forte-lar! Look at the size and you'll know. Ha...ha....Cheers!
Hey, nice to hear from you. Ya-lor, I love the sweet changs but the tradition is slowly diminishing - the giving part. Sad a bit. Only mom is doing bak chang nowadays. Sister have picked up the skills. Will put you on the chang list of recipients!
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