So, off we went to Paya Ikan road near the mamak corner shop area. It was not difficult to spot their stall. Bright lights and a clean working area greeted us. Alvin & Jasmine were in their apron and doing up their creative part. We greeted Alvin & Jasmine warmly and ordered for two black pepper beef burger. Initially , I had wanted to order the burger special but I was told by Alvin that he did not bring them out for sale today. So, we settled for our black pepper beef burger and the couple went to work while we chatted away.
After taking the burger home, it was tasting time. I took one bit and chew on it for a while....savouring the taste, texture and the aroma of the burger. I must say that the burger tasted good. Now, you will say that I may be biased but I can tell you this - if I taste lousy food , I WILL say it is lousy. I am not that type that would be soothe somebody's heart or whatever. I have only this to say about the burger ~ It is really, realy , really nice. If you are a burger lover, you will understand what I am saying. YES! The burger tasted so good indeed. It is like I am digging into a prosperity burger! Serious, it is really really that good. I wish I could have bought more but one "bijik" is not enough for me! Yes, the sauce of black pepper covered the beef patty and the accompanying capsicum and bun was indeed heavenly. I really wish the bun and the burger was bigger,though!
This was not just my view but the view of SLing and my son, JWee. We had a good time enoying the burger. SYuen was asleep at that time and she wasn't able to sample it. As for the price, it is reasonable enough for a burger. Yes, if I were you, I would go to Jalan Paya Ikan and look for the stall tonight itself. Alvin opens his stall at 7.00pm and closes up at about 12.00midnight. His burgers include eggs burgers, chicken burgers, double special and some palatable burgers! So, if ever you are thinking of burger as your late snack , think Alvin's burgers at Jalan Paya Ikan. You'll definitely be coming back for more.
One word of advice though ~ ask for the special ! I heard it is really good and terrific!Two burgers special , please!
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