I have seen how the joy of life being practically yanked out of your life when you owe so much through credit cards, personal loans, housing loans and even car loans. What I am particularly targeting to hit out is the credit cards outstanding. It is easier to say to someone, "Try settling the credit card debts" than actually settling it when you do not have the money in hand. Take it from me, I have been through that road before. Though I do not own 5 to 10 credit cards, in fact, I do not own any credit card today regardless of what people say on the need for plastic money, I know what horrific nightmare one goes through when faced with outstanding balances. To me, I have overcometh it. It is a financial freedom and that's my purpose of my writing this article. It is so much easier to say than actually doing it. I know a lot of people are trapped in this fantasy world of plastic money. I have only this to say to you : You'll never be able to get rid of this debt unless you are discipline, take stock of your financial situation and someone is ever willing to help you out by drawing out a plan for you. I am not talking of free handouts but real conscientious effort to clear the debts. I remembered the debts days very well. From petrol to groceries to indulgences....this brought about to financial breakdowns as you only pay the minimum requirement and you'll continue to chalk up more interest that seemed so small at first but turned into a monster you cannot control later on. Everyone has this simple idea that it is a small amount and I can pay it later! So, you get arrogant, cocky, pompous and eventually stupid at the same time. How ironic that arrogance & stupidity works hand-in-hand! Yup, call me a stupid idiot or pumpernickel jackass but that's the honest truth about credit card users mentality. Cut the fat on phrase like "I am discipline enough on such matters". Take a good look at your credit card statements - they don't lie. That the ugly truth right there! Cut the bloody credit card and start living right! It's a lie when you say that it is important during emergencies, conveniences and so on. Don't lie to yourself - every purchase made is an emergency and "just once" thingy! That how the bill came to that amount in the first place and then you sheepishly say, " I don't remember spending that much, yunno!" dumb look! Yeah! I've been through all the excuses when it comes to credit cards spending! Unless you can take stock of your spending, go ahead and have a credit card. If not, then please stay away from it. It is not a status thingy or it feels good to have your signature on the credit slip thingy either! Forget about those free presents too! Those things will haunt you in your later days! Make an effort to cut your credit card into two or more pieces and start realising the need to settle outstanding balance and saving.
The other thing I want to hit out is to the illegal 4D rings, legal/illegal football betting or for that matter every form of betting. My God! Families are really ruined because of this obsession. It is not made easier by that fact that the Chinese people are themselves the culprits and the victim themselves. This mindset of "quick & easy money " would have to be eradicated from our minds as quickly as possible. Everyone knows that this betting rings are run by hoodlums of the society. I am short of calling them names but I have repented since! Yes, we can always pick the blame on the offenders for their greed and so on but what if there is no avenue for betting to take place. Then we would not have been in such a situation in the first place, right? These operators argued that they provide service and an opportunity of a life time for a chance .....yeah, service to bring people to their grave is more like it! Time and time again, people just fall on their faces because of their greed. Today, it seemed greed had indeed overtaken one friend of mine. The debt is such a mounting task that one of the spouse would be hibernating for a few years. Families are torn apart while one of the parents goes hiding for a while. What do we say to our children? What do we say to ourselves? Why a happy family is torn apart because of this? It is a tremendous strain for either parents to raise up children in our society today. So, please stay off the bookies and stay off betting! Trust me! It is an addiction. The phrase " easy come easy go" is very relevant today. There is no other joy than working hard for your hard earned money. Don't be misled by the lure of easy money and easy wealth. There is none found in this wicked world of ours today. Easy money often leads to easier destruction of your life. Stay clear on your objectives/principles of life and know that hard work often pays off much better than easy money.
Today, I can only offer words of comfort and prayers for this particular friend of mine. I know that it is really a daunting task to clear their debts but with God's grace and hardwork, I do hope they will get through this storm! My fervent prayers are with you always! Do the right thing and make the right choices in life!
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