I am equally at lost at how the entrusted leaders of our nation through the marking of 'X' at the ballot papers of elections had indeed depleted our natural resources and richness bringing about to the almost total economical chaos and pauperness to our nation and its people. How can you as leaders sleep at night with the conscience that resources were mutilated, plundered, carelessly discarded and the proceeds from these filth fills your very pockets while excess that overflow form your pockets are being picked up by scoundrels and deceivers of all kinds? This does not only apply to the leadership of our country but every level of leadership in our society today be it in the economic, religious and even social foundation. It is like you take with your right hand and you take some more with your left hand leaving nothing for others to grasp. All this while, the working class society of this country laboured on with mere pittance of salary and a constant threat that they would be out of job soon. It is hard to believe that earning a living these days are really difficult while essential food products meant for our everyday living had been spiralling upwards with no end in sight. Yes, these are difficult times indeed. Yet, I can't help feeling that my resources are being virtually sucked out/ snipped off my life with escalating cost of living, man-made agendas and pretentious religious foundational cloaks!
In my religious faith, I am drawn to the words of D.L.Moody who says that " The Scriptures were not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives." If each and everyone of us holds true to our religious faith as explained, then there is hope in our country and our society today. Change - we must or else our future generations would not be able to see the once beautiful nation we once have. Change for the better and change we must administer. We can do this with great perseverance and lot of compassion. Charles Spurgeon says " By perseverance, the snail reached the Ark." What a remarkable quote indeed! Charles Spurgeon also says " When you have no helpers, see your helpers in God. When you have many helpers, see God in all your helpers. When you have nothing but God, see all in God. When you have everything, see God in everything. Under all conditions, stay thy heart only on the Lord."
I am a strong advocate of compassion because I believe through compassion, we would be able to rebuild and re-shape the structure of life in our society today. It doesn't matter is we are black or white or red or yellow or whatever, it only takes true compassion to make this place a better place to live in and to change lives. "If you can't feed a hundred people ; then feed just one." These were the stinging words of Mother Teresa which holds true power and conviction. Powerful words of compassion! Learn to feel compassion truthfully and you will see a mighty change in our lives. Learn to do things with great compassion and know that lives will be uplifted and affirmed. Forget about "lip service" and believe in "do service". Come on , people! Lives out there awaits you! You can make a start with your neighbour, your colleague, your friend or even some situation you are in and start you must if we are to have any hope in our nation today!
Be blessed and continue to be a blessing to others out there!
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