Ladies & gentleman, today I am going to touch on a long overdue subject and I am sure someone is going jump to hit the ceiling lest fall off the chair on what I am going to say. Yup! You'll get the facts as straight as it gets. I really cannot tahan and with tons of news of baby dumping and teen sex , I have nothing but grief over torn young lives. If the teenager girl gets a law sentence over dumping a baby then the person who gets her pregnant should get equal punishment, isn't it? Right now, it is a lose-lose situation for the teenager girl and that is a load of crap. BTW, it takes two hands to clap , is it not? So, why is only the female being punished while the male gets a score and goes scott free? To me, personally , the picture is entirely wrong. Someone has got to get certain things right and in perspective!
Do you know that the greatest monsters, perverters and sexual predators are the ones staring at the mirror? Yes, people like you and me. Why? Simply because we do not see the big picture but rather sweep a lot of moral issues under our filthy moral carpets and pretend everything is well and good. We constantly tell ourselves that " Ah! It's so-and-so son/daughter. It will never happen to my son/daughter!", right? Well, I've got news for you. As long as your daughter is not under a cast metal chastity lock and if you don't control your son's raging hormones, it's going to happen! By the way, the forbidden things in life are always an intrigue to the young people's life. Hey! Even Adam & Eve fell for the trickery of the evil one,ok? That's where the traps are set, snared and taken! Pre-marital sex and teen sex doesn't happen over night. Monkey see, monkey do! Get the drift! There are consumingly large amount of filth and junk pornography over the electronic media and what not while sex is being offered at every available billboard in this country. It is like we are advertising free sex all over our freaking place and we come out and say it is not our doing? We put filth and trash in our media - electronic and print while saying that it is art /commercial value? Who are we kidding? Look at the shampoo advertisement. Tell me, are you looking at the shampoo or the female in the shampoo advertisement? Ah! Guilty as charged, right? I am not saying that we are to live under whip & metal spike balls grip but we have to educate our children to differentiate between the right from the wrong and explicitly educate them about these things plus the ills that comes with it. We need to educate our growing teenagers the consequences of their action, reaction and erections , if I may be that crude!
Teen sex and baby dumping is not something which is new in this country. What are we doing about it? Death sentence and castration are NOT the answers, people! Sex has always been a taboo in our Asian society and culture but it is time we educate. Please, if possible , go to a "NO APOLOGIES" course or seminar or even invite the facilitators to carry out the course in schools or social clubs or even our religious foundations. We must stand up to educate and do the right thing. If filth and pornography is a click away from our fingers and we cannot censored this, then , it is time educating our teens should take place. If religious institution doesn't even want to teach this subject even in the marriage course while they would rather allow us to see some bloody DVD explanations, then I say, there is something very wrong in this bloody system we live in. Look people! We are guilty as hell when we fail to educate our adults or our growing up teens on this matter especially in marriage counselling course or the course of their lives. Do you know that it is not just " buka, angkat, tekan , picit , masuk" kinda thing? Yeah, laugh all you want because the fact remains that it can be pretty traumatic for both and men and women engaging in such activities. For the young teens, it is " 5 minutes of pleasure and 9 months of torture!", people! So, keep your tools in your pants and keep the well shut tight before its time. My God, if we are going to stand high and mighty over of morality standards and say, " you all know what to do when you come to it!" then, I tell you this, we are going to get a big rise in divorces, adultery, baby dumping, unsatisfied sex lives and sexual predators indefinitely. Fathers, seat your son down and talk facts of life, PLEASE. Mothers, seat your daughters down and talk about facts of life, PLEASE!
Look, I have seen young mothers and fathers who are half baked potatoes and have no clue whatsoever on their responsibilities. I have one mother-in-law who complained that her 19 year old daughter-in-law would rather play "Barn Buddy" than taking care of the baby or chores at home! How's that for thought? I have seen one young mother who dashed into the bank to do her banking transaction leaving the child in crib alone in the car unattended. I have seen young fathers who has no clue on what type of diapers to buy for his child. I have seen young parents who has a young baby and the young mother is carrying another in her swollen belly. I have seen young mothers getting divorce " after the love has gone". I have seen so many single mothers and my heart bleeds for them. I have seen single young mothers struggled in life with the stigma and stick from the society. Some had even languished in the flesh trade to survive and bring up their children. Some moved on in life with great support from their families but some just languished in desperate cry for help and direction. I have seen young parents not ready to be parents in the first place and messed up big time as they progressed; messing up their lives and their children's lives eventually! My God, when are we going to own up to this and start protecting/educating our young ones?
Yes, I believe in second chance at life for these young parents. I believe, there should be more support but the saying of " prevention is better than cure " is so much better. Like I said, we can make a difference if we are concerned enough to know who our children mixes with, where are they when it's late or even checking on them with chats and affirmation of our love for them. It is not creeping into their space - it is called saving their lives! Gone are the days that we keep them under wraps and asked them to do what we say all the time. We need to change our mindset and straightened our children's lives when needed. We do not pull punches when our children messed up or live in constant denial of our children's needs or wrongdoings. They have to own up to their mess, faults or even failings but it is right for us, as parents, to give them the necessary & right upbringing before they actually mess up in the first place. We failed as parents if we fail to provide our children with the necessary tools and know-how to defend themselves from the ill of this society and boy, I've got news for you - the ills of society is an endless list, people! You bet, I am a concerned parent and I am also concerned about young teenager mothers out there who are not only scared, alone and have not clue on what to do with their lives. Will you make a change, please?