Anyway, might as well enjoy the food before I fold up the sleeves for some washing of plates activity, right? So, there were nice spread of cold cuts, main dishes , soups, noddles, Malaysian dishes, fruits and even desserts. I started out with a slice of grilled lamb, some breaded chicken, a slice of grilled beef and lots of cauliflower and vegetables. We sat down, chatted and laughed over a lot of matters especially on the prospect of washing plates, washing toilets, cleaning the kitchen area and having some jumbled up numbers and taking our photographs at the police station! We laughed even harder when we thought of the prospect that another colleague would have to bail us out from the police station soon! My God! We were so paranoid in that sense, yunno. I guess, when you come from a background where a bowl of plain porridge and soya sauce/salt is the best meal of the day, this was a luxury itself. We then spoke on a range of subjects and it was fun basking in the right mood and ambience of the restaurant. We constantly reminded ourselves that escape routes would be difficult as the presence of the Captain [ big stocky fella ] standing at the main entrance can be intimidating and we would burst out laughing our heads off. As more people trickled in, we consoled ourselves that it would be easier to slip out as the crowd grows and we would burst out laughing again! It wasn't so much of the meal but merely enjoying ourselves with time of laughter and our imaginative silliness. Then we went for the ayam percik fare which was quite good while we piled our plate with large peeled prawns and baby squids which were terrific. After we had had enough, we went for dessert like blueberry cheese cake, rhubarb cake and coffee infused tiramisu cake. There was a time during taking up of the rhubarb cake, I slipped and the cake fell to the ground. I was so embarrassed. Luckily, there wasn't anyone around and we laughed our heads off as I slid the cake to one corner.
Yunno, I could never imagine what ruckus we made today but it was fun. The food was nice and the atmosphere was also nice. BTW, I wouldn't want to eat like this every day. I know that some would like that but honestly, I wouldn't like it at all even if I had wads of agongs in my back pocket. I would rather have my luncheon meat, pork dishes, vegetables or even wan tan mee any day. I guess, today was an exception. I know that I would not eat like this ever again in this year but I am happy to share a meal with my good friend at work. Afterall, it is a day we reward ourselves for being who we are and for our hardwork. When it was time for us to settle the bill, my colleague told me that he would get the bill and that it was his treat. I am thankful that I am so blessed indeed. Thanks again, my friend!
Wow..great treat! Next time, jangan lupa kawan kawan baik:) haha!
This is one crazy lunch,ok?
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