Ladies and gentleman, I tell you one thing is for sure - I really pity our future generations if we ever have such a moronic delegate/leader as an elected representative and I WON'T be surprised if it happens one day! My God! How stupid one could get, actually! The level of stupidity has reached a level that it doesn't even rise to the dignity of an error! And I hear the leaders are discussing about brain drain in our country! It is no wonder that our bright and wonders are serving in other countries rather than serving in this country when we have political delegates like this! I must say, her former teachers, educators, maha gurus, lecturers or even professors better go and hide in a closet and don't EVER proclaim that you have taught this lady, man!
I don't understand how a sanitary pad can turn on ANY man for that matter when it comes to sexual matters. Take me for an example. I am as giddy goat as any man when it comes to choosing sanitary pads even for my daughter or my wife. I am not ashamed of this and I own up by saying that I am learning because it is a natural thing. It is not a freaking taboo or whatsoever your dirty mind can conceive! Honestly, I gave up after being told by the salesgirl one day " Wide wings, side wings, compact, normal, heavy flow, regular, large, ......." and the list goes on. But like I said, I am still learning and there is no shame in knowing. Like I said, I am NOT shy at all , as to me, there is absolutely nothing wrong in asking about the types of sanitary pads/tampons but I really wouldn't know which one to get, anyway. To me, having menstrual is a normal process in a woman's life and nothing that can so-call " excite" anyone for that matter. Hello, the womenfolk do "suffer" during this stage and it is bloody, sticky and dirty discharge too. That's what my wife says and it ain't a pretty sight either. It is a normal cycle in a life of a woman. Look! It DOESN'T excite me nor my wife sexually AT ALL lest getting me all excited about it! The mind MUST be sick if anyone conceived any ideas like our so-call learned delegate! It only shows the shallowness and the non-respect towards our womenfolk. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
Look, I want to ask our lady delegate, if you don't want to use sanitary pads, do you prefer banana leaves , mengkuang leaves or coconut leaves for your monthly menstrual ? Come on, we use to joke that we would probably get our daughters and wives to use durian skins then! It is thorny and our ladies folks will be very safe then! It is not only sickly to spew out such moronic statements but totally irresponsible indeed!
Talking about commercials, it's a business like any other businesses we have today. Look at hair shampoo commercials or milk commercials! Come on! You cannot be having 90 year old lady to tell everyone that her hair has softened after using this shampoo or that shampoo when she doesn't even have a strand of hair on her head, isn't it? Look at milk commercials especially the ones involving PYT ( pretty young things ), so that is suppose to "sexually " aroused me and get me slobbering & salivating like a bloody wolf over a PYT? Come on! You have got to be smarter than this, right? So, if there is bra and panties advertisements in our magazines or our advertisment signboards today, the men are supposed to be aroused too - parked their cars somewhere and get all riled up in excitement too? "Chee sin" mentality!
The sickest mind in our society today is the human mind who actually think/conceived such an idea in the first place, my dear delegate. Look, advertisements will always be advertisements because it sells the products and generate income to our economy today. It doesn't excite us sexually - well, at least to some of us , decent folks! It helps some of us to put food on our table if you care enough to know rather than blabbering your mouth off and be a blundering clown in the first place.
I rest my case, people! BTW, please don't insult my intelligence and also, the intelligence of my friends - the womenfolks. I have a great wife, a great daughter and wonderful lady friends who would be very offended by such a view!~
Bwahahahahaha! I was not able to laugh when i first read about the comment this lady made cos i was appalled and disgusted. I am in a lighter frame of mind now. :D So...ur...errrr...educational graphic of a sanitary pad is unwise y'know! It can contribute to social ills! LOL!LOL!
YOU, i commend for your bravery in trying to understand the highly intricate thing we women have to use every month. Most men would not be comfortable buying those stuff for their womenfolk much less listen to a salesgirl explain the difference.
Hi Liz,
Thanks for the light hearted encouragement.It was fun hitting at such moronic people!Be blessed.
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