Physically, here is a medium rounded built, round face, small moustache [ would make Hitler roll in his grave, actually! ) balding and gruffly looking man. His wife ain't good looking either [ maggie mee curls, big in size, big painted face, small eyes and wear a grouch as though " the entire world owes her a lot" kinda look! ) because she stood at the door looking at me as though I am some sort of criminal looking punk from some God forsaken street somewhere. Yeah! I know that kinda look I get from some people! BTW, I was dressed smartly in a Diadora very light pastel green shirt and a nicely pressed beige cotton pants [ courtesy from the work carried out by SLing! )- I couldn't be a criminal or some car jacker from some long forgotten/mean street-lar!
Anyway, I was shocked a bit when I noted that at the front section of the house, there were 4 fierce looking , man-eating and adrenaline pumped full hormoned Alsatian dogs who would love to sink their teeth into my meat somewhere. Anyway, though I was stunned a bit but I just made faces to the dogs like " eat me if you can , you Barbarians!". Afterall, I am at the outside of their cage , so no worries there, right? What I couldn't stand was the stench from the dogs permeating from inside the house. Bah! Some perfume which will definitely turned off any suitor lest any guests to the house. Being polite as I am, I just do my job and get my work done.
Right, I am not there to comment on how one live but as an observation, it was kinda messy. For a man who is a director for 26 companies ( that's what he claimed! ), I seriously questioned his taste in his house arrangements, decoration, security measures and personality disposition. Like I said, for man who has directorship for 26 companies, I find his personality to be quite unpleasant. Don't get me wrong. I am not against rich people lest I get stones, knifes and make it to the No.1 Most Wanted Dead List! I guess, my personal observation is that he is not only bossy; he is loud, arrogant, demanding and inconsiderate. Yup, the Rich Man Syndrome! As I looked at this man and after talking to him for about an hour, there is nothing but self-praise, arrogance and a bloated personality. I mean, I have seen many humble rich people and they don't act the way he does. In fact, many whom I have known have much down-to earth personality and NICE people!
Honestly, I just could not understand the "got money step on the people to death" [ Hokkien translation] mentality. Yunno, I am mad at people like this who thinks that he can get away with just about anything and everything by splashing the Agongs, because of their position or buy some people off. It is frustrating too that they do win this junk wars at times. Anyway, people tell me that that's part of life while I say, we are the ones feeding these type of created Devils, actually! Anyway, you may draw your own conclusions on this matter but I still am a firm believer that humbleness eventhough we may look stupid at times, do pay - not in this worldly sense but in the eyes of our Creator one day. Of course, you have to stand up for what is right and wrong but if you do it in a humbly and right manner, you gained better respect than fighting with pure brawns. There is a time and tide for everything but you are never shamed when you do the right thing.
As I stepped off the main door, I was tempted to let go of the dog kennel latch and tell the dogs, " There, you animals, is your meat" while I would stretch out my pointer finger to the man. Well, it didn't happen but I did provoked the dogs and they barked and thrashed around even harder while I had a laugh and went into my car. Probably, I would throw the dogs some nice Terayaki marinated NZ lamb shoulder laced with rat poison or something some day when I pass the house one day............hahahhahaahahhahahhahahahahhahahaha............But then again, I would be in trouble with the SPCA, right? Who knows what I may do! Hmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnn................
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