So, to many of us, the name Narayanan Krishnan doesn't ring a single bell in our own tiny brain cells but I must say, he meant a lot to a lot of people in India. I am not talking about celebrity status in the form of politicians, Bollywood star or even the notorious underworld figure. He is a community crusader and you will be shocked to bits to know that this 29 year old man is one of the CNN Top 10 Heroes for the Year 2010. And so, what does he do to deserve such honorary accolades you may ask,right? Well, he did what most churches and religious establishment simply would not do today. [ with the exception of some! ] He simply cooked meals, fed the poor, the old and the destitute and he showered more love. To me, what he did is a real challenge to our complacent, purse fattening, uncompassionate and sometimes, blind & simply comatose religious establishment today. Here is this man, who is an award-winning chef and worked in the Taj Hotels in Bangalore, simply felt devastated when he saw an old man eating his own human waste due to poverty. "I saw a very old man, literally eating his own human waste out of hunger. I went to the nearby hotel and asked them what was available. They had idli, which I bought and gave to the old man. Believe me, I had never seen a person eating so fast, ever. As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness,” said N.Krishnan.That day, he knew exactly what he would do next. That life changing experience hit his raw nerve of humanity hard. He turned down an elite cooking job offer in Switzerland and decided to quit his job. He then made it his lifelong ambition to feed the poor, the old and the destitute!
Narayanan Krishnan founded his nonprofit Akshaya Trust in 2002. Every day, he wakes up at 4 a.m., cooks a simple hot meal and then, along with his team, loads it in a van and travels about 200 kilometres (120 miles) feeding the homeless and mentally-disabled in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to 400 indigent and elderly people in Madurai. He has brought 1.2million meals to India's homeless and destitute thorough his non-profit organisation. He carries a comb, scissors and razor and is trained in eight haircut styles that, along with a fresh shave, provide extra dignity to those he serves." The panic, suffering of the human hunger is the driving force of me and my team members of Akshaya," he said. "I get this energy from the people. The food which I cook ... the enjoyment which they get is the energy. I see the soul. I want to save my people. That is the purpose of my life". "Now I am feeling so comfortable and so happy," he says. "I have a passion, I enjoy my work. I want to live with my people." Inspiring, truly inspiring!!!
I throw to you a timely challenge, O! You, leaders of our religious establishment, how many of you can actually stand straight without hunching, stiffing and hurting your plush backs to answer to this call from this unsung hero in your own place? Is it too difficult or is it just too mundane of a task? Or you simply just won't care or is it just the rosy, glossy, sweety lip service that we serve day in, day out, months in , months out, year in , year out and tried looking and justify as pious as possible? I don't know........maybe.........just maybe............ it is time to wake up from our slouchy slumber and do something about it.........
Hmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnn...........I wonder if the leaders would sleep well enough or would you rather search your heart and seek the ways of the One Above! BTW, please be extra careful when seeking divine help because you might follow the Other Fake One, yunno........ That one too could make you feel as though you are "in" the feel-lar but you get my drift,right?~
Ivan, instead of waiting for religious establishment to wake up and do something (which will be a very long time due to bureaucracy), it is time for all of us as to be like Narayanan Krishnan. He saw a need and he acted upon.
I guess it is time to make a concrete difference in the community rather than waiting for the Pharisees to do something.
Amen to that, bro! Let's continue to knock on doors and break down barriers! God bless!~
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