Yes, this is the sharpest critic yet from me because I have witnessed for myself men from temples, school association and Chinese associations coming forward unashamedly asking for their share of the donation from my mourning family and commented that the amount is too little and request for more donations or their association/temple names are not on the list. What type of sick people are there running temples, Chinese associations and school associations today? How sick can they get? It is not only shameful but a real bad testimony for the entity they represented. Isn't it the goodwill of the family and the discretion of the family when it comes to donation? This arm twisting tactics and taking advantage of grieving families at this time leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the people. Even if my grandpa had been a millionaire for that matter, whatever amount of donations given is from his heart and that's all that matters, right? No one should question how much he gave or the family decide to give because it is a donation. I failed to understand how learned people in our Chinese association, temple caretakers and even Chinese school association can't understand this? Which part of the word "donation" that these people did not understand? If it was up to me, they would not see even a single glint of the ringgit from me and I have explicitly told my wife that none of these association are ever going to get a single sen from my family when my mom passes away one day! That is just to show you how disturbed I am today! My sister, my cousins and I are totally disgusted and devastated. Totally disgusted! Out of not making a fuss, my mom, my uncles and aunties decided to give out donations to these "robbers" as they try not to make a fuss about things. To me, this is totally wrong and feeding the devils and little bloody Napoleons out there! Shameful! Shameful and disgustingly shameful!
Look, my grandpa was not senile when he made up the list of donation recipients! He was alert, well and healthy when he wrote up the list of recipients before he changed his address. If the temple/association/club name is not in the list, it simply means he doesn't want his hard earned money to go to them, isn't it ? It is as simple as that! I am NOT afraid to offend anybody because that is the truth and I am not easily conned like my mom, my uncles or even my aunties! Afterall, the truth is the truth and don't ever hide behind the veils of religious institution/associations because it would stain and make the religious institution , school association and even Chinese association stink of perversion. It is a lousy testimony! It is simply a bloody lousy testimony!
Really, I have never felt so "robbed" in my life. I imagined all those hard earned money my grandpa had earned over the years only to be stained by the hands of these greedy robbers. God have mercy on us all if we continue to have leaders like this! It is simply just too embarrassing. Now, I know why I would never ever join nor support such associations who claimed to be champions of this society and that society. To me, they are simply money making associations. It is so sad that a few black sheep had caused such embarrassment.
What was disappointing for me was seeing leaders from these clownic associations/temple coming around for my grandpa's wake service looking forward to receive the donation envelope even when he is still in the casket! When they have received the donation, these people were out of the house in a giff while some opened the envelope to count the cash before leaving the house! That is really distasteful indeed! Very very distasteful and lack of respect for the mourning family of ours.
I wish I could have said something nicer but I don't have any good words to say about these people today. The experience, the things I heard and the things I see today doesn't augur well in my soul. It hurt my family and it hurt the very foundation of the faith that some of my other family members had embraced. God , may You heal our hearts with the balm of Your comfort!~
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