It is appalling enough to read so much rubbish, anguish, garbage and pain splashed over our morning paper each day and now, we have three MACC officers getting desk duties for their "little heist" on some money changer not too long ago. What is wrong with our authorities, man? I have never ever heard "robbers" getting such a treatment! I guess, this is only applicable to government servants of this country. It is not just the preferential treatment these thieves are getting but also, the backing of the same department that is really appalling indeed. As far as I know, robbers are usually locked up first before they are assigned to desk duties! So, someone please explain to me that there is a difference between MACC robbers and the usual robbers/snatch thief/ petty thief from the streets? If my memory and my cerebral intelligence serves me right, a robber is a robber a.k.a. a lawbreaker and law breakers go to lock-up/jail, right? How can we ever trust or even see any integrity in this department which was supposedly set up to eradicate and fight corruption in the first place? It is not only an embarrassment to the current government but most importantly, public funds used in funding this department is simply soiled by these so-called corruption busters. It is not a confidence boost to the society and it only shows the shallowness of our government department these days. OK! Maybe one department only, you may argue and I can accept that benefit of doubt. But when I see mission schools in Melaka struggling to even get the funds to repair the school building, it kinda kicks you in the yunno-where and you come to a conclusion that it is rampant inefficiencies in most government department. There is an apt Malay proverb that says it all - "Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi." It is an embarrassment and what is saddening is the integrity and the accountability are missing totally today from these establishments. Accountability and integrity are such prolific dirty words these days and it is the ruins of this nation of ours. I have always believed that integrity, morality and accountability starts from the very top of the command chain. If it doesn't flow from the very the top of command, we are in trouble. It doesn't matter whether we are in the government, private sector, private lives or even our religious foundation. If those values are not uphold, we are in trouble. Corruption and favoritism are the accepted norms of life today and this will ruin the very nation that our forefathers painstakingly built over the years. I often wondered, how many more lives must be sacrificed to cover up such blatant expensive foul-ups and how many lives would be ruined by such questionable characters and greedy people of authority in our society today?I shudder too each time EPF partakes in the government financial programmes as funds for our old age are being depleted right before our very eyes and it's called nation building by our leaders? With the raising of retirement age to 60, I am afraid that I might not be able to enjoy the fruits of my sweat, blood and tears when I come to that age! I guess, more money will be pumped in to bail out some crap company in this country soon! Afterall, it's a lottery to squander the public's funds - it's been years- why stop now, right? What about funds that had already been siphoned off or shall we call it "leaks" that had happened? Mind you, do we really need submarines for our country defence? Afterall, we still have trigger-happy Dirty Harry cops and Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabes running our streets today! The only invasion I foresee happening and is happening are the constant raiding of the public funds, the plundering of the nation's kitty and the in-coming influx of our neighbouring nations maids cum domestic/business helpers etc.etc.! Yessiree, that's the only invasion our country has to be ready rather than arming our already flustered armed forces and police with more firepower that they'll probably have to go for 2-3 year training cum kursus and more karipap eating sessions before they can actually handled the firepower in their hands! When will we ever learn from the vast leakages that had been bleeding our nation for so long? It doesn't take a genius to just run down to the grocery store and see what RM 50 can do to feed a family these days. Sheesh! That's more terrifying than having meetings after meeting and assemblies after assemblies just to get into the groove of our karipap sessions and more souvenir giving sessions.
BTW, "Undilah" video clip can be quite fun, actually! Oh! the censorship board haven't taken a snip off the "sensitive" part. Seriously, what sensitive part you may be asking , right? I don't know and I find it rather entertaining and catchy clip unless our leaders are scared of their own shadow-lar. Afterall, wayang kulit show comes early to them this year. Well, the consolation is that at least some people are taking note of the need for change. I am waiting for the coming election, I guess. I truly am looking forward to it! My vote is for CHANGE! Wouldn't that be yours too? I'm with the Digi yellow man!
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