The other day as I was travelling back home after work in the evening, I noted something peculiar at the high power transmission tower near Bukit Serindit Recreational Centre. I guess, I must say that I was really very surprised at what I saw and how another human being would risked their life so that we could have our comfort of running electricity supply in our homes. I never thought of the men who would risk their lives at the high tension cables lest carrying out maintenance or even repairs to damage cables. Seeing those workers hanging precariously on the tower with their harness or even with all their safety gears, it kinda gives me a kind of appreciation to these men who risk their lives to earn a living daily. One wrong move at what they are doing and they'll be charcoal and beyond recognition,man. I am serious, man. I consider these four people to be very brave individuals and these are the real "unsung" heroes each day, actually. OK, you may argue that they may be well-paid for the work they do but on the other hand, if you ask me, I wouldn't want to risk my life with such work no matter what amount of money you will offer. It is just too scary, man. One slip, one drop of the tools, one unaware mistake, one wrong move - it's game over! Human barbecue on the way!
I guess, it made me re-look at the things I do each day and just count the blessings. Yeah, we may not have the perfect job right now but thank God, we don't have to be the human BBQ each day, man. Yeah, we'll get a verbal roasting or even a barrage of heavy work at our work place but comparably with this, let's just be thankful, shall we? I wondered what would the families of these individuals pray as these folks goes out to work each day? Probably, just seeing them walk through the door after the day is done, alive, is indeed a blessing itself. No matter what, the scene of four men carrying out repair works at the power transmission tower left a lump in my throat. I tell you this much, we are just so blessed at times and we don't even know it.~
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