So, politicians or so-called MP's , please spare us the ludicrous "scare" tactics that you have been using all these years. Peaceful demonstrations are an indicator to what the country's administration had been doing wrong. The power of tear gas lobbing, merciless clobbering and baton wielding people in the blue are real too. The scars are real. The hurts are real. The pains are real but the spirit of truth and the spirit of togetherness by all walks of people in Malaysia doesn't fail. People are no more afraid of bullies by the people in power. Injustice, unfairness and corruption are the common themes of peaceful demonstrations. The general public, I guess, is just too disgusted and balked at the level of corruption and injustice around the country. So, stop politicking on street demos and put some clean water to taps and erect power lines to those people in the interiors of Sabah and Sarawak plus interiors in West Malaysia. Stamp out poverty. Stamp out corruption . Stamp out stupid scare tactics and feed the hungry. I challenge you, leaders of the nations, to go to OA settlements or the interiors and see for yourself how under-nourished some of these children are or how difficult is it for them to receive any medical aids.See for yourself how difficult is it for them to live under these deprived conditions. I have been to such places, served in such places and I know what I am talking about. There are places whereby children had to walk for hours to reach their nearest school or to get medical attention? You call that progress?
What about those who are living in the concrete jungle today? How our lives being squeezed out of our bodies by the high rising cost each day! I laughed aloud when the statistics shows that heart attacks and diabetes are high among the Malaysians. Why ? Simply because the high rising cost of living doesn't help us one bit at all. Simpleton and average wage earners choose the cheapest meal available and not like so big shot with a wad load of cash in his/her pockets who eats good stuff each day. To some of us and mainly to me as an example, getting a good breakfast for around RM 2.60 ( 2 roti canai kosong ( RM 1.60) and one cuppa kopi O kurang manis ( RM1.00 ) should last me till about 4.00pm. After that, it's another tea time of one pisang goreng or one keledek ( about RM 1.00 ) guzzled down with plenty of plain water from the office water cooler. That should last me until dinner time, I guess. For others , it may be packed plain nasi lemak with lots of water. Now, now, don't look so innocent. I guess, some of you are doing this too, right? The main thing is that everything including food items are just too extremely expensive these days. Gone are the days when hearty food are worth our money. Even economy rice ain't that economy nowadays, man! Nowadays, every portion is shrunk to XS size. Anyway, so politicians, good luck to diabetes and heart attacks!
I believe politicians would have to be mature about the general public. This is no more a generation of "katak di bawah tempurung" kinda mentality. This is a generation of progressive thinking-lar,brader! There are certainly a bigger group of learned people rather than the troublemakers. I have seen the rowdies and the troublemakers in my taman and nearby tamans before. I have also seen the tirade of noises generated by the unemployed youths and touts in my taman before. As the number on this group grows due to unemployment and lepak culture kinda thing , the more they are going to be the troublemakers with the generation of couple paper agongs in their hands to create that "aggravated" demonstrations the ruling politicians are talking about.
My question is this : So what if Pakatan rules in the next GE? Give them a chance and make a change. If they don't perform, kick them out in the following GE. Why should we be always choose the same ol' corrupters and bankrupt our nation further? There are just too many occurrences of wastages, unnecessary outflow of the nation's wealth and corruption. Let's make a change and give the Pakatan fellas a chance to turn our country around. If they fail, then , we just vote them out in the next process. That's how I see it. Afterall, so many of the current ruling politicians DID say that there are proper channels to flow our grievances that is through the Parliment discussion and so on but how much of our grievances are actually taken action, attended to or eradicated? It is disturbing for me if we continue to see bums, porn star, clowns and thieves running the country in the way they did. They don't help us one bit in lessening our burdens as a citizen but continue to plunder our national coffers using the so-called projects for rakyats, intimidation of banning this and that, racial scare tactics and numerous wasteful ways. YES, I DO await the opportunity to vote for a change and CHANGE WE MUST. Alas! Some people don't like that word, though.~
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