Mind you, I have a legal NRIC card that says that I am Malaysian and I am damn proud to be one. I am also a Chinese and I am proud being one too. It doesn't give me the opportunity to oppress others and call them names and threatened with violence, oppressiveness and more unjust ways. It is the sick minded people with harrassment mentality that keep getting us divided as Malaysians. I guess, that is the only way how corrupt leaders can stay in power all the time. But there is always one divine power that will answer to this someday....the One from Above.
I am sad that each day, we fight a losing battle of people who would continue to use racial slur, racism, religious sentiment and even crate chaos & fear just to be in power today and gets away with such inciting ways. But we mustn't lose hope and we must continue to perservere and fight these corrupt ways. When things go wrong in the country, the Chinese are blamed . The Christians are blamed. The Indians are blamed. Practically every race in Malaysia are blamed except the leaders themselves. Unfortunately, I am a Chinese and a Christian as well. So, I feel the brunt of it and yet I asked the question that plaques my mind, "What have I done to deserve this treatment?" I am sad that each day we are all put under fear of violence erupting, fear of racial clashes and violence, fear of food high prices, fear of rising daily living cost etc.etc. Are we going to stoop so low in moral and integrity so that we could stay in power rather than doing the right thing by cleaning up our own backyard of corrupt practises and immoral behaviour? Where have all the good and righteous men gone? As I looked at the happenings around the country today as the "reds" gathered , I asked the question of " Why are you so hell bent on creating such a divide between the people in Malaysia?". The placards says it all,actually. Have you no shame for saying the filthy words and ideas that passes through your lips? Does our religion teaches us to harm and kill? Wouldn't your hands be filled with innocent blood of the people if something happens? Wouldn't your soul be troubled with such bloodshed? What if your hands are running with the blood from the bodies of your family members? Wouldn't that be tragic for not just your family but the people as a whole who may be losing their innocent loved ones because some crazed leaders spewing and inciting hatred and bloodshed? I believe our leaders today have not that conscience but as rational Malaysians, we are well aware of this. Let us not get "trapped" in such evil play. When push comes to shove, our leaders will be the first ones on the plane out of the country while you and I will have to pick up the tragedies of our lives and our country.
Is the price for the loss of our loved ones confined to a pack of rice, a bottle of mineral water, a t-shirt and a RM 100 "donation" money? I have grown up with so many wonderful friends from the Malay, Chinese , Indians, Sikhs, Ibans, Dusun, Kadazans, Orang Asli, Portuguese and many other communities. I believed in living in harmony and no one is questioning about the rights of the Malay community at all. The rights of the Malay community are already enshrined in the Federal Constitution and even as a young child, I have been made to understand that and I understood it well. So, why bring this up and stir so much hatred and pin the blaming to certain communities? This I could not understand except that I believed it is for the leaders own selfish end to stay in power and further corrupts the society and bankrupt the country of its resources by careless governing.
Why not look into the missing millions and billions from the country kitty? Why not look into the RM 2.6billion "donations"? Why not look into the murder and missing prominent righteous people from our country? Why not look into the financial scandals in this country? Why not look into the millions of unpaid study loans given out? Why not look into the reason why flood areas did not get the allocated food and drinks? Why not look into the houses and aids that were promised during the floods but did not materialised or went missing? Why not look into scholarships given our to ministers and "kenalan" children rather than the deserving 10As or 9As students? Why not look into the wastages and corrupt practises that were highlighted by the Auditor General Report? Aren't these more pressing and important questions?
When I was young, I recited these lines below with so much love, respect and with great pride because I believed in my heart that I am home with the multi-racial people I call Malaysians. I still believe in it very much. MALAYSIA, this is my beloved country and my home. Please, do not let these selfish and corrupted people to rob all of us of the opportunity to live in harmony, respect and love.
I still believe in those lines....very much. SELAMAT HARI MALAYSIA.........
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