Monday, November 15, 2021

Your Vote Counts!

Come 20th November, 2021, the state of Melaka will hold her State General Elections to elect her 28 seats assembly to govern the state of Melaka for the next 5 years. Presently, torrid, fast & furious campaigning from all sides of the front were carried out ceaselessly but with very strict SOP from the Health Ministry, SPRM and even the MKN. Notwithstanding, if you look at the SOP for this state elections, you could have laughed and fall off your seats with some of the idiotic rulings. Sure, the rules are in place to safe guard the people from the re-occurrence of Covid-19 but seriously, who are you trying to kid la….There is definitely the predictable rulings to adversely affect all sides of the parties involved. However, it is definitely not an easy process to carry out a campaign if you are unable to meet with the people. That’s where the multi-media and electronic media platform will come into place. I must say, it is definitely quite interesting to see how these political parties will take part in this election. 

As for the political parties involved in this unnecessary election, it is interesting to note that there are 118 candidates from Pakatan Harapan ( PKR, DAP, Amanah ) , Barisan Nasional ( UMNO, MCA, MIC ), Perikatan Nasional ( Bersatu, Gerakan & PAS ) , Putra , independent candidates and one Indian Muslim Party  (IMAN) are involved this time around. As for the candidates, there are some familiar faces while young stalwarts are definitely at the forefront this time as political parties are moving uptrend towards a blend of young and old. I am most disappointed that I won’t be able to see and hear the “political ceramahs” this time as there won’t be any. I guess, in the last election, I would travel from one place to another to hear the candidates speak of their aspirations and points for the candidacy. So, I guess, it would be quite different this time as ceramah gives you an opportunity to gauge the strength and weaknesses of the candidates. Their body language, their intonations, their presentation of ideas and the way they bring forth their salient political points are the early indicators of what type of leaders you would be expecting. Anyway, of late, I’ve been seeing some campaign ceramahs on Youtube and I must say that the experienced candidates are quite eloquent but the younger ones are not far behind. I guess, there are some rising young leaders which I do find interesting in terms of aspirations, work done so far and their achievements thus far.

For me, I am still very appalled that there are people who will still support a corrupted government. To me, I would be not hesitated twice to vote out a corrupt government without blinking an eye but somehow, there are still people who are of the view that corruption is okay as ALL politicians are corrupted anyway. I begin to think if we, as society, had begun to “accept” such practices in our daily life and lost our bearing and real life compass of our lives. Luckily. I do still find many people hate the thought of corruption in any form in our society today. I believe many of us are against any form of corruption, racism, nepotism and blatant disrespect for the law. All the more for us to cast our votes to vote in a legitimate and good governance government. 

I have said it many times that our country is not poor and our people are a unique blend of people. We are different in our culture, our way of living, our religion and our way of thinking but we are Malaysians. This is our land. This is the place we call HOME.  We must stand up together to preserve goodness, good will and mutual respect for all of us to thrive and survive not just for ourselves but for our future children, grandchildren and generations to come. 

Let us continue to fight against penyamun, penyangak and pencuri who steal our nation’s wealth away and lived like some pompous asses around the world while most of us scrapped through our days with little essentials we have. It is dirty politicians like these that we have to put a FULL STOP! Politicians who get easy money and couldn’t care less about the Rakyat should be voted out. We need to do this by voting these people and out. Really, it doesn’t take a genius to understand this. If we continue to vote these people into office, we are shooting ourselves in our assess every single time. Until and unless we see these people out the door, we would have to continue to vote them out each and every time. True, there is no perfect political party in our country today but we can definitely see ( nor are we so blind !!! )  who are the genuine ones who work for the Rakyat and who are the ones that play lip service only. 

This is not a political rally nor a support campaign. I am fed up of politicians stealing our nation’s money and go SCOTFREE! Aren’t you fed up of such criminals still running around as though nothing has happened even though the courts had found them guilty while many had still court proceedings ongoing? This is truly embarrassing for a nation like ours and there are huge banners that say “Bersama Kami Lawan Rasuah” or “ Abah Sayang Melaka” or “Bersama ke Syurga” ( To be in syurga, you have to die first la, ngok! Who wants to die yet? Pening! Pening! ) when all the leaders on the poster are in one way or another involved in major corruption scandals and mismanagement of the country!!!!!! 

Thereby, I want to exercise that right as a citizen of this country to cast my vote. You should vote too. Please do not let the Covid-19 situation stop you from doing your duty as a responsible citizen of Malaysia. We can always take precaution such as double mask up, face shield and even have a distance so that we can be safe to vote. Sanitize our hands and body after voting while ensuring that we clean ourselves after coming back from voting centres. Do not let evil triumph in this land of Melaka. 

So, I appeal to my fellow orang Melaka@Malaccans, please come out in full force to vote. Your EVERY vote counts in every way. Let’s vote, shall we? 

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