Waiting in anticipation for about a week, it all came to pass just a couple of hours ago. I had made plans and arrangements with my colleague that we would arrived at about 1.45pm to 2.00pm deadline. - 8 adults and about 30children made it slightly on time. From the word 'go', the children were on their way scouting out the new farm environment. Upon arrival at th efruit farm, my colleague, TSP and his nother was at hand to receive us. Immediately the children went into a feeding frenzy of rambutans. It seems, earlier, my colleague had cut down some of the yellow skinned and red skinnned rambutans.
It was the durian trees that fascinated the children. I could see that some of the children were truly very happy while some were practically clapping the hands to squash some noisy mosquitoes. When Kadir cut opened a few freshly dropped durians, hands of assorted sizes and shapes attack the fruit. It was kinda fun seeing the children and adult sampling the durian fruits. We went from one tree to another to sample some durians. At the end of it, you could see that the children were truly satisfied with what they had had. For me, it was an educational outing to show the city children what a rambutan, mangosteen, lime, cocoa, langsat and even durian trees looked like.
I am very sure they have not seen nor know the fruit trees and this was a good trip for them. For me, I have been fortunate to be able to see these fruit trees during my younger days. I hope they would cherish the memory of events that had happened today. Hopefully too that they would able to tell their parents and siblings that they have seen what fruit trees are all about.
For most city dwellers and children, they have no clue of what these trees looked like while the fruits are usually at their reach with ringgits being flashed to the sellers/middle men. As we were about to leave the farm, I thanked my colleague, TSP and his mother for allowing us to visit and sample the produce from their land.
It was indeed a great learning experience for me and we were treated free samplings of the fruits. I have been blessed and I know the children are equally blessed!~
As for the commanders, it was a gentle reminder to them that 40 days fasting & prayers are just a stone throw away. So, it's feasting time before the fasting time! Cheers , everyone!
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