Historically, I know by nature that Kelantanese and Trengganu folks were the expert on top spining. So, to know that we have an expert and champion in our own backyard in Melaka is indeed fascinating and an honour for us to host him. I was told that En.Abd.Karim or better known as Pak Karim is one of the well known top spinners and tops maker in the country and in the world. My conversation with this man brings a lot of joy to my heart because not only was he humble but truly a sportsman at heart.
We started off the session with some explanation on the history of top spinning or gasing. Then he moved on to the type of gasing available. Mind you, these gasings are really antique gasing with some spanning about 50-100 year old. You see, Pak Karim is an avid collector of traditional gasing and he explains to you fondly about them. Such was the passion of this man! Names like gasing labu, gasing berembang, gasing toyol, gasing talam dua muka [ double side tops - intriguing indeed! ], gasing jantung, gasing botol, gasing telur, gasing piring, gasing berembang pangkah,
gasing bawang, gasing Johor and the list goes on. As I inspected the gasings , you could tell that they are old but still hardy gasings. Pak Karim explained at length as questions are poured on him by the younger ones. He told me that he didn't mind having the children questioning him beause he felt in that way the chidlren are interested and that is far more important to him than anything else. He also confided in me that it is not the lure of money that made him passionate about this game. It is the unity it could bring to all the races in this country that made him engrossed in ensuring this dying art of top making and spinning the tops continues. He further informed me that he was saddened by the departure of another top maker in
Johor who is really one of the elite top makers in the country. Pak Karim wants the game to be enjoyed throughtout the country and to propel unity. He asked me to re-collect some of the finest times of playing traditional games with friends from all race. He then looked straight into my face and said, " There, wasn't that fun? You have people from all races playing games and enjoying themselves, right? That is what I am trying to do here today. Teaching the skills and re-living the harmonious times."
I am truly amazed with the level of passion shown by Rimy and Pak Karim in supporting this game. They then did their demonstration of gasing spinning and you could see why they are good at what they do. What I ike about them is their encouragement to chidlren and adult alike during the demonstration and teaching time.
They really took the trouble to teach the chidlren adn adult the correct method of spinning the tops. What looked like a simple task is much much harder, actually! Hey, once you get the hang of it - you're good to go! I see then patiently teaching the younger boys and girls to spin the gasing while the adult gets tips on techniques. One minute you get the gasings flying everywhere but the next minute, the gasing spins beautifully on the plywood board.
Some parents namely Steven, Din, Benny and a few others got the rare chance to spin the gasing. Yup, you get hooked on it once you've got it spinning. It was really fun indeed. Smiles and burst of laughter were everywhere. Rimy and Pak Karim also told us of non-Malays competing in gasing competitions held around the country.
Rimy further informed us of a 70 year old Chinese man is still competing in gasing competition throughout Malaysia. Pak Karim informed us that it wasn't so much of the competition but keeping the sport alive is more important. Like all good traditional games, top spinning is a dying sport and to revive top spinning, we have to enjoy and promote the game as it is. That's why people like Rimy and Pak Karim are even willing to come to our Rangers meeting and show us the art of top spinning - all in the love for the traditional game! We appreciate them from taking the opportunity to promote top spinning and to teach our children a game from the depths of cultural richness of our country! To Pak Karim and Rimy Azizi, terima kasih~
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