Saturday, September 21, 2013

Live another day....

The other day, I celebrated my 48th birthday with my family and extended family in an Indian restaurant in town. That day, I was also outstation for work ( long drive) and it was definitely a jammed pack day. I had promised SLing that I would be back home early but I wasn't able to get home as early as I wanted. So, driving back to office and then attending to another work case made the day a very tiring day indeed. When I got home, I just wanted to lie down for a while and catch forty winks just to recuperate from the long day indeed.

I could hear voices,  speeches, music and conversation from the television while I slipped into forty winks mode; just to rest. It seemed like eternity that I was asleep but when I finally woke up, I have had a 30 minutes sleep and it felt good. I told SLing that I wanted to have a simple meal at our favourite restaurant, TC Spring. SLing insisted that we go somewhere special and I need not drive. That was music to my ears then. She finally drove me to Bonani Restaurant and I was happy with that.  I did not expect anything else and I was thinking that it was just the 3 of us having dinner together. When I walked inside, the restaurant host ushered me to a room and it was indeed a pleasant surprise to see my friends there - Dinesh's family and Errol's family all ready for a good diner. I was pleasantly shocked, surprised and happy. Shocked and surprised as I did not expect a crowd to be there but happy that I get to spent my 48th birthday with my friends and family. We had a good meal that day with dishes like  Aloo Gobi, Tandoori chicken and salad, Palak Paneer, vegetable pakora, onion baji, dhall curry , chicken tika masala and plain naan. Wonderful time of fellowship and meal. The tiramisu cake bought by Dinesh adorned the table after the good meal. Really enjoyed the time spent with my friends and family.

I could never explain how blessed I felt that night. Despite the weariness of the day, it was the many greetings earlier from friends and family members help lifted me up in spirit and fellowship. I truly felt blessed that words of encouragement filled my handphones and the electronic media. So, I live another day to enjoy another day indeed!

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