To me, it is downright treason and
criminal breach of trust done by our elected representatives/candidates to win
over our support escalating in votes and then he/she jumps over the other side
of the fence. When this happens, where does integrity, moral duty/obligation
and honesty lies? Exactly, right down the toilet hole, actually! To me, this is
treason of the highest level. The trust and votes of the people had been
manipulated for individual selfish end of the elected representatives or
candidates. You may call me an idealist or there is no such thing as integrity
in politics but I say to you, there is integrity in politics – we just have to
walk the talk and push aside selfish agendas and self preservation.
A candidate or elected assemblyman or
assemblywoman can and have to uphold that basic principle of being a
responsible elected representative because the public demands it. A responsible
assemblyman or woman represents the very epitome of not just the tenets of our
religious faith but also the very foundation of the existence of good
governance by having good character, discipline, integrity, honesty and
dedication. Yes, there would be grey areas in our every day challenges but a
responsible person would know how to react and act correctly , morally and with integrity.
Hopping from one political party to
another doesn’t augur well in our political scene. As far as I am concerned, it is a serious breach of trust. The
trust of the Rakyat – the very people who put you there in the first place. To
me, if that State hangs in power or no majority support, it only shows that the
candidates had failed to convince or tell the people in that State to support
their aspirations and dreams to form a state government. Actually, I am
appalled that some States in Malaysia had even number of seats in the DUN
fight! Who in the bloody insane mind drew such delineation? Everyone knows that
there should be odd number of seats instead of even number seats! Rightfully,
the party with the most seats in the DUN should rule the State as one should respect
the wishes of the State as a whole. To me, jumping from parties to parties
opens up the very core of corruption that we want to eradicate in this country
or become what is called the term “Kingmaker” on this occasion. To me, the term
“Kingmaker” is outright bullshit! It is another word for CORRUPTION!
One should be gentleman enough to concede
defeat when rejected by the Rakyat as a whole. Don’t waste any more time and
money of the Rakyat, please. Let’s get it done and let the new State government
work for the good of the people. If they are not good enough, just kick their bloody
arses out the next GE. Afterall, that is the power of the rakyat, isn’t
it? Wasting time and not doing anything
for the regeneration and rejuvenation of the economy and well being of the
people in the State is a bloody waste of time and resources. Get your dumb acts
together and let’s work hard to safe our beloved country, Malaysia.
The other thing about hopping assemblymen or assemblywomen is that they usually come from the other political party which may have questionable ways of governance, money politics and even practised dirty politics. Let me remind ourselves that the very reason we foamed in our mouths talking whenever we meet at coffee shops, with our hands and legs moving like madmen and with our eyes bulging out of the socket is about wanting a clean, honest and hardworking government. If we continue to take in these so-call " repented, shoddy & rough house tactic politicians or even questionable politicians" , wouldn't we be maintaining the same old culture politics and become a carbon copy of the old regime? We have to thread carefully when admitting such people into the new government as we do not want the "old bad habits/culture of money politics" and so on to infect the new government of the day. I am all for forgiving and doing our Malaysian culture thingy of forgiveness but I am reminded that where were these people when the Rakyat suffered so much and why the hell they did not stand up when they see wrongs being done year after year! Are their positions and self-preservation more important than "doing what is right" for the people? Yeah! You bet, I am pissed. It is about time the politicians know that it is the rakyat that puts you there in the first place, Screw with us again , the door awaits you!
Anyway, ladies & gentleman especially our elected representatives, We all have hard
work to do! Quit the squabbles, cry like a baby later in your own bedrooms and
get your acts together. We need a united Malaysia under Pakatan Harapan
government. We need to support them to reform our country economically, good
governance and be a nation again.
We need to heal our land. – Stop the
rape, stealing of lands and restore our natural resources
We need to heal our hearts. – Stop the
hatred, unjust and the racist ways and mentality.
We need to heal our people. - Stop
corruption in all forms, abuses and the stealing from the people. Restore love,
faith and justice.
I will always remember this phrase : ~United we stand, Divided we fall ~
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