What I cannot stand is that these unscrupulous people steal and short-changed the very food that nourishes the children too. Imagine, even children are being made to suffer for such devilish and inhumane act! I really can't imagine blundering and blowing RM 270 million on tourism and we still get one thousand and one excuses when this department had been caught virtually with their pants down! What about paying RM 170 per kg for sugar and the paper trail went through so many hands, internal audit and payment made to contractor without raising any body's eyebrow or suspicion? What about paying of RM 21,000 plus per month to a pensioner who actually should be getting RM 214.00 plus every month? They have the cheek to explain this as a "decimal point error". Gosh! This is really ridiculous! What about excuses like drums and fish traps were being swept away by floods when the money had been pocketed? What about sub-standard building projects and water pumps? What about agricultural leaders who pocketed money for the projects which supposed to help them to rise up the poor status in their people? What about "supposedly poor people" who got these project are actually quite rich especially by their houses standards and their possessions? What about paying RM 5,000 plus as transport charges for Tupperware products costing RM 4,000 plus? Gosh! The transport charges is higher than the actual Tupperware products itself! Now, that's mind-boggling and I would like to quote, with permission, from Mr. Patrick Teoh's favourite tag line here!
Sub-standard schools, sub-standard tools and equipment ( Marine Dept would have a field day explaining their over-charged outboard motor engines , binoculars and so on! ), below standard food stuff, GLCs "generous" 2 to 3 months bonus to staff even when the GLCs are not making money or even the ones who are making money are not paying a sen to the government! What type of business/accounting practises and even accountability are we running in this country when you import cows for breeding programs ; only to sell the same breeding cows and have no off-springs? We call that successful national entity?
The public is virtually fed-up with such blatant corruption and this is seen in many electronic media responses. The question is this: Where is the enforcement part? This has been a yearly affair and yet nothing is being done to curb such blatant abuses and corruption. This is the time where the MACC should come into fore play ( sound cooky and kinky but that's the word! ) and get those corrupt people to the books or are they too "chicken" to get these people and rather be in the throwing of people off buildings business which would be more lucrative! Are they just too chicken/afraid to touch any of these "business Napoleons" and "unseen Invincible hands of dirty politicians and their cronies? I can safely say that if this continues to persists with the turning of blind eyes to such practises and getting free passes out of jail, this country is going down to the dumps faster than anyone can imagine. Let's not kid ourselves and say that we are getting some growth in our economy that year or this year. I believe this is an eye-shadow trick to fool us in believing this will be happening. Just take your money and buy your groceries and tell me that our economy is getting better. That's a whole load of bullshit of the highest level! Food essentials/foodstuff are on the rise all the time and just asks parents who has babies. Ask them how much do they spent on milk powder and ask them what is the price for babies milk powder today. Some would probably jump off high rise building or "voluntarily" jump of building or even strangled themselves to death when the next round of milk powder increase comes. So now, we better get another new government entity with some fancy name running just to raise cows for their milk and processed them into milk powder to help our milk powder increase! Let's get/import another 8000 cows from overseas as starters for our project, shall we? Tsk!Tsk!Tsk!
I believe the people should voice their discontent to the government and be united in getting these crooks and their crook masters to prison for what they have done. To me , that tantamount to cheating and a real breach of trust. We must ensure that all levels of our society fight vehemently against this disease of feeding these barbaric economic robbers and thieves! If we do nothing, we are just gonna fatten these "cows" and robbers and allow this norm to its full vicious cycle again. Let's be united and make a change in our ballot papers. Let's not allow these people a free hand at looting our already depleted National Treasury. Already our monetary spending power and quality had been cut down sizably while inflation rate is on the rise. It doesn't matter if you are supporting BN or PR, for as long as corruption is the name to combat, let's make our vote known that we are supporting the team which is out to combat corruption of such kind indefinitely. The people has enough of such nonsense. Let's make them known by petitoning our parlimentarians and the people to support any move to stop all these nonsense.
To our government of leaders, government department heads/servants and enforcement departments today, STOP these abuses! STOP these wastage! STOP building little Napoleons! STOP feeding the devils! CHANGES will come if the levels of lackadaisical attitude, arrogance, denials and wastage continues.
Afterall, the ballot papers and the people are the determiner. I appeal to the people of our beloved nation, rise up and let's make a change to our country. Let us allow our ballot paper to speak!!
I appeal to our nation leaders and people who genuinely care for this nation - STOP THE ROT and STOP IT NOW!