The last few days prior to this speaking arrangement were hectic. There was just never ending meetings , energy sapping and mind boggling ( sometimes to the verge of insanity & absolute retarded ) discussions plus arrangements for a friend's visit. Like I said, in everything I do, I just tried to do my best. So, in between discussions and meetings, I tried looking for restaurants & places of interest to bring my friend from KL to go to. Needless to say, my friend has her preferences when it comes to food choices and place of interest; and so, I just went on to do what I needed to do. Then, in the midst of it all, I received a SMS asking me if I could help out in a Sunday sharing which I gladly took up as any chance I could get to inspire the young people is fine with me. On top of it, there's an exam to study for ( ISOM T4 class ) which consisted of 25 very difficult questions if you have not been reading the materials. So, I juggled it all week and in between papers & pens , flying spectacles, raised voices, loggerheads decisions and staying calm, I realised that I was battling the "giants" in my life. That's how I received the inspiration to share the Word - "Facing Your Giants."
I guess, in many ways, I am so thankful to God for this very life of mine. I took some time off from work to study for the exams, prepare the notes for my sharing and then get ready for a splendid evening with this lovely friend of mine. I count it a privilege for me to do what I am able to do simply because I wouldn't want it any other way. In one night, I could be as confused and giddy as an Easter bunny on the street or at the concrete bench by the riverside while on the other hands, I could still prepare my sharing, pray in peace and deliver the message to the young people. I felt so pressured and boxed into a corner at times but blessed that I did not fall apart yet went through everything with great patience and calmness. When it was time for me to share the message to the young people, I shared my heart out. I would never know how the message would touch the young people but I have to take heart that I have shared the very best I could. Whether it will be an encouragement or not, I'll just have to believe that something good would help change these young lives.
I guess, I learnt that our responsibilities can be a huge thing on our shoulders. Would I change the circumstances I have to go through if I had the choice? I guess NOT.
I guess, I learnt that our responsibilities can be a huge thing on our shoulders. Would I change the circumstances I have to go through if I had the choice? I guess NOT.