Last Saturday as it was my alternate Saturday off, I decided to go early to my bible study class that day. Moreover, SLing was teaching the OA children class and I wanted to see for myself what was done. So, as I walked up the staircase to the studying place, I could hear volunteer teachers teaching the children. As I went in, I could see OA children doing their studies enthusiastically under the watchful eyes of the teachers. There to greet me as I plonked on the soft and comfy cushion sofa was DL Tan, my schoolmate in school many many moons ago and also the coordinator of the OA Tuition Class project. What a wonderful man of God and what good works he had done. A humorous, happy-go-luck and a man with a heart of gold , he, alongside the other wonderful teachers have had a Herculean task in shaping these OA children to understand their studies. As he explained to me on some of the poor ones with very poor grades and so on, I could relate to his predicament. It wasn't an easy task, but the passion to see these OA children succeed in having basic education are applaudable indeed. I could see that everyone was giving their best to these children.
Looking back at these children, you could not help but wonder why are they is such a rut. Truly, there are some of the children who could clearly cope with their studies but generally, they have been by-passed and passed on from primary school to secondary school without a care being taken to look into their plight. I believe that some of them could nor grasped the simple basic of mathematics such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication tables. Taking English with them is like talking gibberish to them or a completely new language to them. Thankfully, the teachers had tried their best to help these younger ones to grasp the language better and at least to get better grades in school. When DLTan told me that though these children's grades were among the lowest in their schools, they were at the bottom but mid-section of their class. I nearly fell off the cushion sofa when I heard this. There were actually far more worst students than them!!!! Can you imagine that? It caught me thinking that there is something very wrong with our education system today? It is so sickening to see children after children falling away in our society today. What will they do with no education and no hope....back to their original place again. Sometimes, I do think that there are people out there in our education system who are the actual real morons!
Anyway, I am comforted in my heart that there are people like DL Tan and his team of teachers who are willing to invest their time, effort and heart in caring for these children. I am comforted that they genuinely care and do what they can for these OA children. It takes a lot of patience and sacrifice to teach these young ones and change their mindset to being victors in life as many would easily resigned themselves and be at exactly where they are in their community and back to the woods. During the end of their studies as they await for their lunch, I spoke to one of the boys on his activities after studies and so on. He told me that most times after studies are spent hunting and gathering food from the woods. However, I am told that most of the boys and girls are now studying hard and doing their chores at the same time. It was interesting to note that 15-16 year old boys goes out hunting and gathering food for the family. I was also informed that some of the girls were also quite bright and have great future. However, they have to go beyond their social stigma and make a change in their lives. As I sat down there to look at these children, I really wonder what is in store for them. Does society gives them a chance at all to excel ? Does anyone gives a two hoots about their lives? How would they do on an even field at school, at work and even in the social platform? Would they be proud enough to stand up and proclaim that they are proud to be an OA? Or would they just go back and be the way they have always been and wither away from the prying eyes of society?

The next time, if you are asked to put in your effort or support this cause, don't just lay down your bundles or fistful of ringgits into the cause, come and lent your expertise and be touched by the sweet innocent prayers of these children. As hard of a person as I am, I truly learnt a lesson well that day. It doesn't take a genius to understand that it starts with the heart............that heart for the Author of our lives!
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