The smiling children and the lovable adults ! |
Hannah carrying out P&W session |
I have never felt so alive and happy in my life this last two days. I must clarify that it is not that others days I am not alive but I am particularly happy and elated each time I can do something for the children. Though I know that age is catching up while the creaks, tweaks and rasp backache are sounds of constant reminders to take things easy, I still consider it an honour to be able to do what I can or for that matter, be of any use for His Kingdom. Helping my friend and fellow leader, BLing in running the very first Children Church Slumber Night 2014 was an offer I could not resist. SLing and I are always amazed by the golden hearted and wonderful passion of BLing in helping the children to lay a good foundation in the Lord. This time, BLing took charge and called the shots for the slumber night. Though it was planned for about 3 weeks, I guess, God's hands of favour and mercy is always there to protect His plans. BLing took charge of the event very well and together with her team of leaders namely Dinesh, Loreen, Ramona and even Dr.Chong, everything went on as smooth as silk.
We started out by having the registration on Monday evening at about 7.00pm. It was truly exciting as I did not know the number of children coming this time. In a twisted way, as usually, I would want to know the number of participants, but this time, I just wanted to trust God to provide the children for this event. I am thankful and felt very blessed seeing BLing doing all she could with the team and for the children.
Waffles team led by SLing..... |
She went an extra mile for the children by their name preparations and also getting the registration counter set up as most of us, working adults, were still weaving through the traffic to get home and come for the event. As usual, SLing and I just supported BLing as much as we could. When the children started to trickle in , we started out with a word of prayer from Pastor Joanne, who had been a wonderful supporter, encourager and friend to us. Indeed we are all thankful that she is passionate and has a great heart for the children too.
Our very first event of the day was the Praise & Worship session with Zephaniah and Hannah. These two young people really gave their best to the children and started out right with some catchy action movement songs. That set the tempo right and warmed up the children. Felt very blessed towards Hannah and Zephaniah for helping out and setting the tone right for a praise & worship session. Then it is off to a movie show. It was a cartoon movie ( Sherman & Mr Peabody ) and soon after, the children were treated with waffles prepared by SLing, Ramona, John and SYuen. It was nice to see the children enjoying themselves with the waffles, goodies treat, Vitagen and watching a good movie.
Getting ready for bed.... |
The adults /helpers who came also had their stomach filled with goodies , kuih muih and even waffles to enjoy with. Hey, the adults gotta at too, right? So, it was so fun for all of us. As I sat at the sofa looking at all the buzzing and moving around,I saw not the busyness of adults but I saw the family spirit in each and everyone who was there that night. From Pastor Joanne to BLing, John, Kelly , Ramona, Loreen, SLing, SYuen, Alythea, Hannah, Zephaniah, Abby, Dinesh, Errol, Jessica, Josephine and Jocelyn, I saw the tremendous family spirit which I had missed so much. It is so wonderful when you get everyone who are passionate and dedicated to be part of a great program for children.
Errol, Jessica, Josephine & Jocelyn.... |
The night became much sweeter when earlier, Errol & Jessica together with their children, Josephine and Jocelyn came into the hall with two big bundle of satays!!!! Wah! Midnight snacks at best, man! The team and the helpers then helped out in filling up the goodies into the goody packs meant for the children. BLing, SLing and I brought out the stuff we bought to bless the children. It was a joy for us to be able to bless these children. Looking at the goodies, I am sure, they ( the children ) will have a big smile on their faces when they see the goodies in store for them!
Breakfast time..... |
After the movie, it was cleaning up and putting the children to sleep. It was really fun as these children are NOT going to sleep after the overload of waffles, Vitagen and good stuff swimming in their stomachs!!! So, it took many hours before their eyes grow weary and they fall into deep slumber and that's where the fun begins! My God! If you could only see how the legs fly, the disheveled blankets, heads at butts, sleeping like sotong and many more antics, you would laughed your head off and I DID! Anyway, it was basically a quiet evening with no untowards incident. Of course, there were sniffles, bed wetting, crying for mommy and so on but these are part and parcel of a slumber night. As usual, I did not my usual checking to ensure everyone was good and they were good. I finally managed to doze off at about 6.00am that morning and our No.1 supporter, Pastor Joanne was at the door at 6.30am and by 7.00am , the kiddos are up and running about like some sugar filled rugrats! It was really fun to see these children having their fun.
Games time with Dinesh |
Devotion was carried out by me after having those vacuum stomachs filled with dim sum and big pau! I taught these wonderful children on the theme which is "Sharing is Caring" from 1John 3:16. I am thankful that I could share a short and simple message to the children plus my drawings , of course. ( It is the gift that God had bestowed me and I am ever so thankful!!!! ) I hope they learned something that day. Then it was games and lots of laughter with Dinesh and the crew. Oh! What fun! What wholesome fun to see those children laughed, run around and compete in a good spirit of fun and happiness. There was a lot of emphasis on sharing and caring for one another even in the games. It was games after games of good cheer and wide smiles. As I sat down at the sofa after snapping up pictures, I could not help but felt so blessed to be a part of this program to nurture children and let children be children! It is so awesome and very fulfilling feeling to see the wide smiles, the cracked laughter or even the cringed on their faces when they play the games or even participated in small competitions. What a sight!
Games time..... |
After the dust had settled over the games, BLing carried out her craft session with the children. She is so creative and the children really enjoyed her session as she did her craft with the children. Wonderful blessings indeed. She did three crafts with the children and each session was a delight. Soon, it was time for lunch and KFC was the treat for the children this time. To health freaks, get out of the house ......Never mind the fat contents or the oil contents or even the nutritional facts at the box -lar.....just let the children be children for one day. Even the adults were able to reminiscent their childhood days and try to remember the last time they ever had KFC in such a joyous occasion! It 's always the children that matter-lar..... I am sure they had a good fun time.
Children having fun at games... |
Then it is off to Mamee factory to see how those delicious noodles are made! As we drove the children to the factory, we were met by Ms.Yip Wai Yee and Ms Lim at the factory. We were ushered into a small air-conditioned room where the history of Mamee products were conspicuously displayed on the white screen. Then it was off to the production line to see the birth of Mamee monster mee and noodles in the cup production. Strictly no photography was allowed and we adhered to this. We were then joined by Kenneth and Jessica plus baby Ethan during our tour of the production line. The children were pretty impressed and so did we, the "little overgrown babies". We were then treated to a small dose of Mamee noodles and drinks. All in all , it was a good experience indeed. Very very good experience, I would say.
BLing teaching during craft session |
Finally, we carried out our usual goody giving ceremony before our children leave for home with their parents that evening as we wind down the day. As the children received their goody bags with their names on it, you could see them light up almost immediately. They knew they had some really good stuff and they go back with more than a bagful of goodies but a loadful of memories that would last them a lifetime.
As the last parent collected their children, it was time for us to say good bye to each other. It was a good day for me though I was very tired. That tiredness is nothing compared to the smiles on the bright faces of these children and the leaders.
At Mamee factory.... |
BLing was so thoughtful that she gave each and everyone of us a present which was so meaningful to each and everyone of us. The gift may be small and may looked insignificant but it is a priceless gift to us because we had participated in an event to touch the lives of a child and be appreciated by a leader with a heart of gold in Tan Bee Ling!
Yunno, I could never understand why I do all these rather than sit at home, rest my broken and ailing body and lepak on a public holiday! Call it madness. Call it stupidity. Call it a waste of time. Call it whatever you want.
The wonderful ladies! |
I have never felt so fulfilled and so happy in my life to be able to spend such times with children and with the leaders/helpers, the real unsung heroes! What makes it all so worthwhile? It is when the children asks his/her parents, " Mom/Dad, I am gong to next year's slumber night!" Then, you know that you have touched lives more than you can ever imagine!
THANK YOU , Pastor Joanne, BLing, leaders and helpers, you've made my day indeed!
The theme of the slumber night! |
My perspective on sharing! What do you think? |