Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Unsung heroes....

Remembering about the experience of climbing Mount Kinabalu always brings majestic memories to me. It is simply not because that it is the highest mountain in South East Asia but simply because of it mystical and beautiful outlay of its natural beauty that struck such an impression on me.

Yes, when I was younger, I could climb the mountain rather easily but even when I did it with the local boys and girls from SMK Tenghilan, Sabah and from SMK Katholik, Melaka later, I continued to marvel the loving memories it brought me. Even as a new West Malaysian in Sabah at that time, I already knew the culture and the respect for the mountain and the people. I don't go around messing at the mountain. The rock face of the mountain is rough, dangerous and steep. It is not a playground for clowns or jokers. To me, you clown around , you end up at the bottom of the ledge with some real serious injuries or even death. There is something sacred about this mountain and eventhough you can be the most free thinker ever or you do not believe in any of the beliefs that are held near to the heart of the Sabahans, you've just gotta respect that mountain because it is Aki Nabalu - a sacred mountain which held near to the people's heart. So, in all honesty I do not understand the blatant disregard by the foreigners who climbed the mountain and showed so much disrespect by what they did and not even felt remorseful. Shame on you, you idiots! You don't go to people's house, strip naked and urinate in the living room, do you? I don't see an ounce or an aorta of decency in what you are doing!

In all my travels, I could never ever forget the mountain guides who were with us along the climb. Their helpfulness, the steadfast standing by with you at the end, never leaving you behind stance and even their patience are noteworthy indeed. I have always held high regards for them and the work they do. Even in the time of tragedy on 5 June, 2015, I have utmost respect and gratefulness in my heart for these unsung heroes because they are really one dedicated and helpful lot of mountain guides. Many deemed them as paid mountain guides but they are just not that. In times of trouble or first sign of trouble, you can count on them to help you because they are the mountain guides - the true heroes. 

I could speak of these unsung heroes because I have seen them in action and spoken to them in my travels up the mountain. I believed that what I saw helped me realised how fortunate I am at times. I could relate one incident when I saw a porter/mountain guide who carried a gas tank over the bakul and headed up from Timpohon ( starting point) to Laban Rata for a mere RM 20.00.  There was also one time when I saw an old lady carrying beehoon packs twice her height from the same point for about RM 20.00 too. I can tell you right now that it took us as many hours to get to this point while these porters/guides could make 2 or 3 trips per day carrying such items. I really marveled at them those days and still do. It is pure MZ11 power ( legs power) and sheer dedication as guides. You may say that it is livelihood but then again would you carry such weights even when you are sane. They do this day in day out - rain or shine! 

As I read about the death of guides sheltering the children from the falling debris, my heart goes out to the guides and the children. I am gutted to the fact that so many casualties and deaths. My heart bled together with the grieving parents and families of the fallen. I also could not understand why the helicopters could not be sent up for rescue operations when many many years ago, one army big shot landed at the plateau, hit a golf ball and then went down with the same helicopter. Where are the Sabah Air choppers? Where are the so-called sophisticated helicopters we had spent billions on? What is the use of the choppers when you can't even use it for such mercy flights like this? Lives would have been saved, people.  It is not easier said than done - it could have been done had someone had the balls to do it! That is my take of the cowardly act taken by the so-called authorities. 

As I browsed through the pictures of the death of children and guides, I cried not because these people are related to me but simply because I know lives could have been saved had there been a conscientious effort to save them.  Someone could have taken up the responsibility to do the right thing. Obviously, too late when it really matters. 

I commended and applauded the guides who took the decision to bring down the remaining people after the quake. This is the best decision ever and avert more casualties. Had they stayed on the plateau despite knowing that the choppers are not coming, they would have been dead up there too and suffered from hypothermia and lack of oxygen due to the high altitude. Battling the odds, they made it and this is the best decision ever despite walking down without much food and rest. My heart goes out to the survivors and guides for their tenacity to live. 

I salute you, the mountain guides of Mt.Kinabalu. You have made your family proud and you have saved lives that matter. Your peers salute you and the whole world salute you for your gallant efforts despite sacrificing your lives. Rest in peace, gentle lives....................

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