Thursday, May 17, 2018

Wake Up!

I am a 53 year old man and I must say that as a rakyat biasa, I am beginning to understand why this country was so easily governed and manipulated by our previous government plus I am greatly appalled how shallow the thoughts of our elected representatives can be today. I am taught from young to keep quiet of what I see ( Yeah, parents are afraid of repercussions from the ruling government! )  but yet, as I grew up,  I am far from such behaviour and I voiced out as vociferous as I can when I see injustice or even any miscarriage of fairness were done in this country. I wrote in my blogs & FB page, I stand and be accounted in Bersih rallies, I stood for unjust treatment to colleagues over the years and I do what I can by expressing my disgust at every dirty tricks in the books in whatever way I can. It just makes my blood boils when I see such blatant disregard for respect and integrity. 

Ladies and gentleman, this is OUR country.  I was born here, bred here, lived here and probably die here in the next few coming years nicely if God is willing but first and foremost, I am proud of MALAYSIA, tanahairku! I've been told from young till my hair grew grey now by racist bigots and so-called race based elected representatives that I am a pendatang regardless of what contribution I did for this country of ours. Eventhough I have poured all my life , served in the government as a teacher, grew daily with great pride and joy with rakyat comprising of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikh, Dayaks, Iban, Kadazan and others,  built a family and even endure hardship on people who continually questioned my allegiance to the country and yet, my family and I have endured all these. 

I believed many others felt the very same way too. Year after year, it is the very same racist tune, same sentiments of hatred and scorns being drummed into the minds of the rakyat and polluting the minds of the younger generations with such hatred and questions. Is it so wrong that I am a Chinese? Is it so wrong that my friends, Aminur Rashid or Rosli Baba are Malays? Is it so wrong that my friend, Ravindran Veloo Nair or Nagaiah Veloo are Indians? Is it so wrong that my friend, Santokh Singh is a Sikh or is it so wrong that my friend, Isan Ye or Mustapha Dollah are Jahut Orang Asli? Is it so wrong that Kalong Katik or Igor Ding are Ibans? Is it wrong for Sofiah HJ, Christine Donald or Eddy Awing to be a Bajau and Dusun Kadazans? If your answer is a definite "NO" , why then do you, the elected representatives of Malaysia today continue to fight like little spoil brats over post and positions in the State and government of today? Why? Why can't everyone of us be a MALAYSIAN? What kepentingan are you talking about? If you are back to race based politics , I say today to your face that you are NO different from the previous government and I charged you as liars of the country! You definitely cheated the rakyat of Malaysia! I do not mince my words when I say, you will be deemed as traitors of this country because you buckled under the pressure of race base politics but before you win the election, you shouted " We need the RAKYAT." Who is the RAKYAT? The RAKYAT is made up of all the races of this country - the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikh, Ibans, Dayaks, Bajaus, Dusun Kadazans and many others in this beautiful nation of ours. That historical day of 9th May, 2018, the RAKYAT voted for a united MALAYSIA. Not the same twisted or warped Malaysia. Every elderly,  men , women, young men and young women voted for HOPE! They were not interested whether the candidate is a Melayu or Cina or India or Sikh or Iban or Kadazan! As long as it is Pakatan Harapan, the votes go there! Yeah, our vote is secret but the results doesn't lie, isn't it?  It is Pakatan Harapan, they have voted to form the next government. Get that in your head!

So, my dear learned and not-so-learned wakil rakyats and parlimentarians, please cermin-cermin sikit and stop your nonsense fighting for EXCO seats or " mahu jadi menteri" sickness. The rakyat needs a united Pakatan Harapan government and State governments. We need direction and amalgamation of effort to combat rising cost of living, daily living, corruption and generate better opportunities to strive and survive in this beloved nation of ours! Not squabbles, cry baby demands , sulking and running away in tears, back stabbings and demands for more positions and higher posts and so on. You only open yourselves for great target for shooting or rather you shoot your own foot and be the laughing stock for the crippled BN components, your previous detractors. You just gave them bullets and ammunition to discredit your government of hope and making it a laughing stock to the rakyat. You let us down as RAKYATS by squabbling, making a fool out of yourselves and shouting off your mouths with nonsensical statements. We voted you, Pakatan Harapan as a change to the old racist regime and yet, you continue to walk through this very corridor of shame and gutless politics that plagued the country for 61 years! SHAME on you!

If you could ever imagine what goes through the head of the rakyat, I can safely tell you that 61 years of racist treatment and indoctrination of hatred can hardened even the toughest of men and women BUT that changed on 9th May, 2018. So, PLEASE, get your acts right and clean up your filthy minds if you are an elected wakil rakyat or EXCO member or even a Menteri because I most certainly do not want my children or children's children to suffer another minute of such racial or bias governance.

My allegiance to MALAYSIA never ever wavered because I have always said this : MALAYSIA TANAHAIRKU - I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I have NEVER wavered on this. This is my country I love and I am blessed. It is always the politicians that makes me want to puke because of stupidity and nonsensical ideas in their head. If we ever want to have change, we have to start with ourselves - body, mind and soul! 

I challenged all the elected representatives/wakil rakyats, Menteri Besars or even Mentris, the people have changed their mind set and do away with racial based politics and mind set,  have you?  We are looking for a new dawn in Malaysia politics and governance. Quit the nonsense of squabbling and get to work! Less talk and more action! Stop whining and start listening to the difficulties of the rakyat! I want to speak of the Melaka elected representatives and I want to proudly say that  I am so glad to see so many new wakil rakyats getting down to the people, thanking the people and even starting works at some of the constituents in Melaka. Hearing the grouses of the people, listening to their difficulties and going about doing their work even though there is no reporter or journalist chasing them to take pictures and so on. These are the very reason why they are elected in the first place - to work together with the people and government of the day to help out the rakyat. Not squabbling for positions, this party not enough representation lar, need more position lar, etc.etc. All these are position jostling and racial base politics which will be rejected by the rakyat come the next election, trust me, it will happen.

So, get your damn ass off your comfy seats, start working and complaint less. You are put there by the rakyat for a reason. By the way, you are also put there by the will of GOD. If you don't want to honor the people, at least, honor GOD for putting you there in the first. Remember, with the grace of GOD together with the support of rakyat, you are there at the epitome of change. If you ever screw it up, your ass is on the line to be whacked not just by the rakyat but by GOD. At least, FEAR GOD, my dear politicians. 

Please, work hard and do your best for the rakyat because it is your responsibility. Do your job with integrity, with great humility and be honest. The majority of the rakyat understands the difficulties faced but when you are filled with humility and honesty, you will be respected. 

I will never forget the joy when I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning of 10th May, 2018 to hear of Pakatan Harapan wins. That was the sweetest thing in my life and a breath of fresh air after 61 years of darkness and stormy clouds. It is my hope that you people in Pakatan Harapan get your act together and governed this country with all honesty and the true spirit of muhibbah. Don't let us down lest we fall back into the Dark Ages of racial based politics. 

Like I said earlier, I am a Malaysian. Proud to be one and always will be one. I pray and hope that you, the elected representatives will feel that way too. Yes, we are all of different in race, color and creed in this country but that is what so unique about us , we are MALAYSIANS. Don't you ever forget that!~ #PAKATAN HARAPAN# MALAYSIA TANAHAIRKU#ALWAYS#

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