Thursday, January 25, 2018


Lately, the echoes of #UndiRosak make an unbelievable splash in view of the imminent General Elections both in the printed media and the electronic media. Though there had been a lot of points generated by certain quarters in regards to this matter while there had been aye and nays in some of the points forwarded, personally, I am really puzzled to how anyone could be a supporter of spoil votes campaign.

Personally, I do find this an appalling thought and this is not a democratic right at all even though some leaders seemed to support this idea. Maybe , these leaders needs to get their heads examined or is it because of imminent defeat in the coming polls? Sure, I do respect the decision taken by the people involved but it should be done in a different scenario not in the national polls. The very thought of spoiling votes during an election is truly deemed as a sinister act indeed. The people who are promoting people to do this is equally sinister, evil and cowards!  I do respect if one wants to be a fence sitter on issues but we are talking about our nation building, people. We have to choose sides whether you like it or not. If one’s basis fundamental rights in choosing a government of the day is being pushed aside, what else hope is there for this nation? 

By abstaining to vote for either side of the parties in contention to form a government of the day is being made, then, we have to live with the fact that we did absolutely nothing nor contributed anything to make this nation to where it is. Can we live with that fact or are we just too absorb and wallow in self-pity that neither parties are contributing to the progress of the nation? These are very real questions that we have to answer. We cannot just bypass the government elect and then expect the government to pay us benefit or feed us when we do absolutely nothing at all for this country, right? Anyway, we only have two ballot papers in our hands every 5 years namely for Parliment and State Assembly. If even with two ballot papers we cannot make a decision , we might as well resign as human being!

I am a firm believer that whoever takes over the reign of this nation will be faced with mounting debts or even bankrupt coffers but at least, we have to make a choice. My choice was made a long time ago not because of race, color or creed. It has always been this for me :

Corruption has to stop!
Abuse has to stop!
Racial segregation has to stop!
Religious oppression has to stop!

Every time an election process comes our way, I would daringly asked the candidates on what he/she intends to do about the CARR , I have just mentioned. I would gauge their answers and knowing that they would be lying through their teeth at times or even out of desperation, I would vote with my conscience. I am not afraid to cast my vote to the ruling party or even the Opposition! That has always been my principles in life.

I may be long dead and gone some day but what about the future of our children and children’s children? How can we make this place of ours a better place or just resigned to the core badness of this country and fold our arms while lamenting away at nearby Mamak stalls as usual? Yeah, many of us are complaining about the ruling government and the Opposition team but at the end of the day, we take up a flimsy placard that say “ #UndiRosak “. When discussion were made at the Mamak stall, we foamed in our mouths ( cakap sampai berbuih-buih! ) when we speak about the corruption, the economic conditions, the hard daily lives and one hundred and one difficulties. Then, like I said, we just blatantly used the excuse that we are fed up with both ruling and opposition part and decide not to do anything except spoilt the votes. What a cowardice act of self-righteousness ! You bet, I am mad lar. Mad as hell if you get my drift!

Use the vote to change the government! Use our voting rights and stop lamenting! We failed this time, we try again the next time. Vote, we must. We cannot change the situation in our country by revolt, snowballing in parades or even show of presence by gatherings. It is all good for a while but at the end of the day, the ruling party is as dumb and as deaf as a bat! That’s why we need that “kejutan” to make them listen better or understand better. What better way to do it than by exercising our right to vote. Scare the shit out of them! Tell them that we are the voters. We are the ones that put you in the government in the first place.

Who cares if the government knows who were are voting! Afterall, what underwear we wear each night also they know already lar! So, what is the big deal? They say the government servants are not supporting them – so, how did they know? Like I said, they already know who vote what la…… So, nothing is secret as far as I am concerned. We are all like in the hush hush secret mission whispering when in fact, the whole world knows about that already. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how they know and how we can know who vote what, actually.The main thing is that our voices need to be heard – through the voting process. Look at how some component parties of the ruling government are spurned off because they simply refuse to listen and arrogant. They lose and the trust of the people are broken. We lose big time if we continue not to vote or spoil the votes when we can really make a change and a difference to our nation.

We can bring a change by the simple majority of voting in a democratic voting process. We do our duty to vote for the future of our country and not let others do it for us by electing the corrupters, the sly, the snakey or even the selfish to the political thrones. We need to have a clean and trustworthy government to help our nation grow.

I remember those day when I went to Haadyai, I would stop at the nearby money changers at the border to change our Malaysian currency to Thai Baht. It was always a welcomed currency. But nowadays, there are signboards that says. “ Other Currencies Accepted. Malaysia No.” while even the van operators at the border would rather take Thai Baht than Malaysian currency. I could also see that Malaysian tourist struggle

I remembered chiding a group of young people and some “older” folks one day when they both spoke to me of that hopelessness in the unfairness in schools, colleges, institutions of higher learning, government departments and the general public. I told them to get rid of the toxic and poison that had been fed through our minds by reckless and dangerous politicians and policy makers but equipped ourselves with love, care and humbleness. Never mind, if our society acts that way because somehow in that pockets of society, they will be people who are not like that and not willing to be pulled by the nose for herd mentality but to think rationally for the good of others. I always believe there are still “ a few good men/women” around. I have to believe in that or else, what hope is there for people like us, right?

That’s why I have insisted that they register as voters and make a change for the future generations and not be taken in by “goodies” or “sweeteners” given out which will incidentally gives you diabetes which will breed gangrene in your soul and your every day life! Let us not talk until we foamed in our mouths but make every vote counts!

In my lifetime, I have seen a politically unknown candidate brought the downfall of an influential  Chief Minister which led the CM to blame it on racial politics, community and kicking of the ballot boxes. All this is done and not even a single time reflecting the defeat on himself! What easy way out to blame on others rather than himself! Even his usually “dependable” community did not support him and yet he blames it on other factors like race and betrayal. Can we not make a change? Can we not make a stand that “enough is enough”?  Can we not tell these fellas to get their corrupted ass out of the State & Parliament seats and rebuild the nation? It is the votes that make an arrogant man fall from grace in the political scene. To me, that is the best excuse to vote! What a privilege to vote out such people and clean up the House!  So, what is your excuse on not to vote or spoil the votes?

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” These are the words from Barack Obama. How true these words ring through the lonely pathway of hope and change! We really need to re-build our nation, people!

However, I do prefer this inspirational quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that states :-

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” 

LawanTetap Lawan!” - That is my battle cry for the coming elections! Now, who is with me? 

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