I AM...
This morning, I was on my way for some work in Gemas when I digress and digest the sermon which was presented by Christian apologetics, Dr.Ravi Zacharias, one of my favourite preachers. One quip that caught my immediate attention was this: G.K. Chesterton said this when Time magazine asked him of his opinion on what was wrong with the world today. He wrote ," Dear Sir, concerning your question on what is wrong with our world today, I AM. Yours truly, G.K Chesterton." I must say that I am neither a Christian philosopher nor a poetic man in any sense but what G.K.Chesterton made a lot of sense. If the world and environment we are living in is in a wrong direction, why won't we just do our part in doing the right part and go completely on the opposite even though we may be just one person? In fact, yesterday evening, I had a good tongue lashing from a good friend who constantly reminded me of the need to inspire others and be a role model to others. We may not feel to do something or even feel like an inspiration to others but we all have a role to play in this community we live in whether we like it or not. Being an inspiration to others is not something you can switch on or switch off as you like. We are constantly being watched, looked upon or sometimes frowned upon in our actions we potray each day. I am constantly reminded of this by this good friend of mine that sometimes our lives can be the only Bible that people looked upon. It is definitely so true! Yup, we are scrutinised even more when we are leaders in our homes, our workplace, our community and even our place of worship. I guess, I am guilty as charged for being complacent at times or even given leeway for such thoughts to arise. It is good to know that I have good friends to remind me of this and put me in my place at times. Anyway, today, I took a bold step of moving towards that direction. For years now, I have this lady colleague of mine who is a Muslim lady. She is a petite young lady, single and a decent woman. I wanted to bless her today and so, after coming back from my work in Gemas, I decided to get her some goodies for her "buka puasa" time later today. So, I got her a box of buah kurma or dates, a box of freshly baked vanilla cake, two big pack of Soya bean drinks, a can of peaches and a can of pineapple; all nicely packed and bundled into a special Raya paper bag. I know it didn't sound an awful lot but that's what I could afford, actually. Anyway, I gave it to her when I got back to the office and she was elated. I guess, that's all that matters to me. Mind you, it is not about buying things for others but taking the initiative to breakdown barriers of misconception, respecting other colleagues and taking the trouble to actually care for someone other than our family members and friends. It isn't easy, right but it is doable! It didn't cost me much for what I did but the lighted-up face of my colleague says it all. Again, that's priceless! Like always, that's all that matters, yunno. Afterall, we are all gonna end up by our 6'X4' plot some day and we can't bring all our riches and glory to our graves ; so, I suggest you spread some goodness around to brighten up the already gloomy world we live in ! BTW, I just sent a batch of SMILEYs to my colleagues in KL today. Can you imagine their faces when they see the SMILEYs? Hmmmmnnnn.... I bet , you can imagine that ,right?
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