Comdr : Kids, wave goodbye to your parents. You’re MINE now!
Child : Oh! Oh! [ laughing then suddenly hushed up! ]
Child : Comdr, it’s like packed sardines inside here! Coooooooooool !
Comdr : It’s only for about 15 or 20 minutes ride.
Child : We’ll be squeezed and squashed! Hahahahahaaaaa…. ( happily accepting that fate! )
Child : Comdr, carrots are vegetables, right? I can’t eat them!
Comdr : EAT UP! Leave no grain of rice or vegetable. Swallow! NOW!
Child : Comdr, the fried rice got carrots and long beans in it. I don’t like them.
Comdr : So? SWALLOW!
Child : Comdr, are there tigers and wild boars in the rubber estate?
Comdr : Son, the only tigers and wild boars are you and I !
Child : Yeah! Sausages! But comdr, why are the sausages small only?
Child : Yeah! I like spaghetti but I don’t like mushrooms. They are too big.
[ but swallowing every piece of mushroom quickly! ]
Child : Comdr, I did not bring my pyjamas! ( balling his eyes out with tears !!)
Comdr : Anybody got a spare on? ( hugging the poor child! )
Comdr : Aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh…… Why didn’t you flush the toilet after using it?
Child : My mom always does it for me ( grinning from ear to ear!! )
Comdr : GOD! Have mercy on my life!
Comdr : Who did not flush the toilet again?
Child : Dunno ( all in the group giving cheeky faces! )
Child : Comdr, I don’t want so much spaghetti.
Comdr. : OK ( Turned around after putting some spaghetti in a bowl and handed it over to the kid! )
[ About 3 minutes later….]
Child : Comdr , I have finished. Can I have some more? [ kesian face! ]
Child : Comdr, why is the water warm and yellowish down here?
Comdr : Aiyoooo….who pee in the pool? [ all the children turned away!! ]
Child : Comdr, will someone eat my bread after I make them?
Comdr. : Sure.
Child : Then, I’ll make my bread ugly so that no one can eat them. Only I will eat them!
[ Comdr. rolled eyes and pengsan* ]
Child : Comdr, why are you people always tempting us ?
Comdr : (puzzled ) How?
Child : You people are eating ice-cream and we are drinking water? Can I have an ice-cream? ( sheepishly)
Child : Comdr, who is snoring so loud?
Comdr : Go to sleep! No one is snoring! ( Snores … )
Child1 : I have chocolate chip cookies and chocolate drinks. You want to share?
Child2 : Sure, that would be nice.
Comdr : Ah! Eat one of those and you’ll get double the vegetables!
Child : Comdr, I can bathe myself. Mom says put a little bit shower cream and scrub all over and I’ll be clean.If not, I just dry myself and don’t waste water!
Comdr : OhGod! You better bathe properly or you’ll sleep on the verandah!!!!!
Child : Cool! Sausages…morning, afternoon, evening…!
Comdr : Muka also like sausages already!
Child : Hahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaa… so funny –lar , comdr.
Child : What are you doing comdr?
Comdr. : Relaxing in the pool …. ( flat on the back and head above the water )
[ Child pours water into the ears and face of the comdr! Child laughs loudly ]
Comdr : Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh! ( stressed !)
Comdr : Children, now is the special time – Camp Souvenir time!
Child : Comdr, why are there so many gifts for us?
[ Comdr dumbfounded and blur for a while. ]
Child : Comdr, can I drown the dragonfly?
Comdr : Oh God! Have mercy on me!
Child 1 : The fish pond looks brown. Sure a lot of big fish and piranha inside.
Child2 : So?
Child 1 : Let us get one of the boys to jump in and see if the fish bites! Great idea, right?
Comdr : Children, good news. Today, you are going to make your own croissant bread?
Child : ( waving his hands frantically… ) Comdr, comdr. where are you going to sleep tonight?
( Comdr scratching his head and blur for a while! )
Comdr : What’s the matter with you, child? Why are you standing so stiff?
Child : Comdr…… I want to go to the toilet….. Big poo poo.
Comdr. : Oh God! Quickly up the stairs then….oooohhhh….what’s that bump?? Ooohhhhhhh!
[ Child looking sheepishly and grins ! ]
Child : Comdr, I miss my mom!
Comdr : Okay ..…… I can’t help you!
Child : I know. I’ll hug my pillow...
Comdr. : Good. Now, go to sleep …. ( time showing 3.30am )
Child : Comdr……
Comdr : Yeah…..
Child : You’re nice…
Comdr. : I know…… Now, can you go to sleep , please….
Child : OK…. Comdr
Comdr : Yes.
Child : I want to go to toilet….
Comdr : Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh………( stressed )
There you have it folks...the life of a commander during camps.......but it's worth it!~
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
RK Slumber Night 2012....
Anyway, as we arrived at our campsite at Agro-Tourism Resort, Tehel, Melaka, we got ourselves sorted out, got the bags out of the van and headed into our bungalow house for the day. Camp briefing was carried out by Comdr. Stephen Raj. I am very proud of these young commanders namely Comdr. Stephen Raj, Comdr. John, Comdr. Stefanie, Comdr. Ivy Wong, Comdr. Joa Wee, Comdr. Bryan Lee together with Matthew Sim And Timothy Chiew. for the planning and the carrying out of the camp duties. They are ably supported by ER Josephine, ER Shwu Yuen and AR Jocelyn.They have done a tremendous job of ensuring the safety and the well-being of the children. I am truly amazed by the dedication and their safety consciousness in ensuring that everyone enjoys the camp and grasping the full potential of the day. I am thankful for these young leaders who would put many to shame with what they have done for these children and ensuring the very success of this camp. As an "old" leader, I am at peace that this ministry is in good hands of these young lads who had risen up and ready for greater leadership role. I guess, that is the greatest joy in my life and I am thankful that the Lord had enabled me and the older leaders to pass on our experience to these young dynamic leaders. Praise God for these leaders!
Coming back to the camp, our first activity of the day was baking bread session carried out by me. Turning back the clock earlier, at about 1.20am, I started out mixing out the bread ingredients alone and kneaded the bread dough until about 3.45am. Along the session , I was joyful and I prayed that the Lord would allow me to have great bread dough for the children. I prayed for soft, yummy and good bread. By the time I cleaned up and got ready for bed, it was already about 4.15am. By the time I could close my eyes, it was already 7.00am and it's rush all the way to get the things ready , loaded up into the car and a mad drive to our favourite shop for our breakfast. The rest is history. Anyway, I started out the session by getting out some of the puffed up dough and started to puncture the puff by boxing it and kneading the dough. Then I started out a demo of how to roll a croissant bread with a new twist that is the additional all time favourite, the sausage! I did two pieces and then I told the children to clean their hands and started doing the croissants. It was a real joy and a good laugh to see the children messing up their sausage croissants. All shapes and sizes were registered but everyone did their own sausage croissant. After putting the sausage croissants into the oven, I must say that the aroma from the oven was really pleasing. As the first batch came out, some of the leaders had a first hand dig at the sausage croissants. They tasted good and that's all I needed to hear. I then got the younger leaders to try their hands at doing their own creations while I rolled out the cinnamon rolls.
After that , the children went for the telematches with Comdr. John, Stephen and Stefanie. They had a good time rolling, falling and having fun with one another on the lawn grass. Soon, it was time for lunch and the whining cow starts. Tradition allows us to have no such nonsense, so, the leaders had ensured that they finished every grain available in the lunch box no matter what. The lunch boxes were effectively cleaned except for the chicken bones. After some good rest and some good laughs over the children's antics, we were off to Jasin Hot Spring. The Kiddy Pool was soothing, lukewarm and fun. The children changed in a flash and they were off to the pool. For the brave hearts, they ventured into the warmer pools while the adults and some brave souls ventured into the 41degrees mineral pool which was hot but pleasantly soothing for the muscles. When I first got doused by Comdr. Steven, I remembered shouting for my father and mother! However, the dip later on was therapeutic as my body was acclimatised with the natural heat. It was relaxing but hot; very hot! The best part of the fun was the big slide at the warmer pool. Everyone had a great time there and the fun was infectious as it was portrayed throughout the day at the warm mineral pools. Then it was feasting on the earlier made sausage croissant breads, cinnamon rolls and Massimo breads with chicken curry compliments from Comdr. Jason. really wish you could have seen the faces of these hungry looking children after the fun at the pools! What a day! What great fun it was!
After washing up, dinner made up of spaghetti with sausages and fried terayaki chicken made by Comdr. Jessica was a real delight! The children loved it. Second and third helpings were seen while chicken pieces and sausages exchanged hands and popped into the mouths in rapid & steady succession! After some solace of rest after dinner, it was devotion time with Comdr. Jason. The children were still wide awake and they listened intently to the Word that was presented that night. Comdr. Jason gave an inspiring message to the children and it was hoped that the Word would stay in the hearts of these young ones.I was feeling uncomfortable at that time as I felt a slight pain in my chest and I headed out to the special shed to catch some air. For the other leaders, they then came by to the special shed to catch some night breeze and a round of talks and fun together. It was a great bonding time. I felt so proud of these leaders who had given everything they had for these children; carrying out the great tradition of continuity of leadership - their love, their time, their sacrifice, their resources and their finances. I am really blessed to have such leaders. I truly am blessed.
The next morning, Comdr. Steven carried out the morning devotion. After an inspiring devotion, it was time for breakfast of bread with Nuttela chocolate spread, peanut butter spread and even spaggheti and chicken curry. It was a stomach bursting breakfast and no one should complain that they weren't enough food either! Soon, it was souvenir giving time and Hall of Shame parade on left behind items such as clothes, swimsuit, underwears, towels and many other items. Congratulations to RK Aseph Khaw who emerged as the Best Camper for RK Slumber Night 2012.
Overall, it was great fun and a day where young lives are given the opportunity to come out of their sheltered lives to live out the day in natural surroundings, be one with nature , freak out and just be children. I am thankful to the Lord for great weather, great fellowship and beautiful children to share the day. Like I said, at the end of the day, it's their infectious wide smile and grin that makes it all so worthwhile. I believe with all my heart that the leaders are not out there to gain popularity, win any popularity contest nor gather fame but simply to lead the children to lead a purposeful, meaningful and fun life with others and in our beautiful natural surroundings. It is good to stop and smell the flowers sometimes - it will help you to strengthen your life. For me, I am more than satisfied. I am extremely glad that once again, God had prevailed and I had lived another day to be a blessing to the children and the leaders - in what ever small way I can. That is the most satisfying feeling EVER!~
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Simpler life...
The RM 1.00 tomyam beehoon + mee goreng mixture....nice ( I miss this very very much! )
Korean food fanfare - the condiments ....delicious
The irresistable and super duper spicy Kim chi.... a delightful twist of anguish but joy
The marinated pork slices.........heavenly staple food
The heartwarming and body nourishing chicken soup & herbs...... refreshing
Glass noodle and vegetables ......glides in easily....smooth operator....
Good friends....delightful, fun & priceless......
Family....super duper stupendously priceless!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Read properly-lar.......
Reproduced from ViveAlive blogspot........ ( with heartfelt & grateful thanks! )

The gift of Discernment - An "Early Warning System" for the Church

When the tsunami struck on December 26, 2004, the Indian Ocean had no early warning system to speak of—at least nothing like the Pacific Ocean's array of tide gauges, seismometers, deep ocean sensors, high-tech buoys, and communication systems. One year after the Indian Ocean tsunami killed an estimated 300,000 people, progress has been made on setting up basic early warning systems in the region. A full-blown regional system, however, may be years away, despite predictions that another huge wave could strike at any time. Such preparation probably saved thousands of lives recently in Japan and other parts of the world. When the recent earthquake struck, systems were in place to prepare people for the imminent tsunami. In fact popular search engine like Google even update “Tsunami Warning” in their web page. With a click of the mouse one could access life-saving information. The result of this early warning system was that people took shelter and much human devastation was avoided.
A network of ocean buoys designed for tsunami warnings called the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis, or DART was deployed. In each of the DART, a recorder on the seafloor monitors the pressure of water passing overhead; a buoy tethered on the surface can instantly transmit warnings when a tsunami arrives.
What are the “early warning” systems in the context of the New Testament era especially for the church? Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to equip His church with power and spiritual gifts (Greek -- charismata) so that His disciples could continue to carry out His ministry objectives. While there are certain gifts of a spectacular nature that are often given greater attention, the New Testament mentions at least 21 that are provided to the church. These gifts are listed in Ephesians 4:11, Romans 12:3-7, and 1 Corinthians 12:1-12,28, and are generally assigned to one of three categories, as listed below:
- Ministry (office) gifts: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.
- Motivational (practical) gifts: Service, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Mercy, Helps and Administration.
- Charismatic (spiritual) gifts: Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment, Prophecy, Tongues, Interpretation, Faith, Healing and Miracles.
It should always be remembered that the purpose of all the gifts are to edify the church, and their distribution within the body is completely dependent upon the discretion of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:11). The scriptures imply that it's appropriate to seek specific gifts; however, one's motive must be for the building up of the church, not for self-gratification. "...since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel" (1 Corinthians 14:12).
In the context of the “early warning” system, the gift of discernment fits into this criteria. The gift of discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10) is a supernatural ability to distinguish between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error, between holiness and evil. 1 Timothy 4:1 says that in latter days, deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons will come, so the important role of the gift of discernment is to identify those spirits and doctrines. A.W. Tozer says "Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit."
A discerning spirit tests the spirits with this rule of scripture:
- Observing what a person does. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus explains that false prophets are known by their fruit; by their conduct and actions.
- Observing whether or not a person exalts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as Lord and Saviour (I Corinthians 12:3).
- By listening to what a person says (1 John 4:1-3). Does their confession line up with the truth of God's Word?
Paul illustrated the use of this gift in Acts 16:16-18, as Peter had exercised it in Acts 5:3. When it was not being exercised in the Corinthian church, grave distortion of the truth occurred. God still empowers His people to unmask false prophets and carnal hypocrites. He gives them insight to expose imitations and deceptions that most Christians would take as genuine. The gift of discernment, however, can easily deteriorate into a critical, proud, and self-righteous spirit. It can be judgmental instead of corrective when it is imitated in the flesh. But rightly used it is a great protection to God’s people - an “early warning” system for the church.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Kayak fun.....
Being able to be back basking in the sun's rays, comnating blistering tongues of heatwave coupled and massaged by the nice mid-afternoon breeze and doing outdoor activity is my kinda weekend treat. I love the outdoors very much. With so much complexities, twist and turns of life, I sometimes wished that I could go to the jungle, built a decent home and stay there - away from the maddening crowd - be it friends, foe or plain idiots! But's whimsical and wishful thinking , right? Afterall, we are already living in the concrete jungle and we've gotta do what we can and still come out sane/insane at the end of it.
Anyway, getting 24 young adults and children for a kayak experience can be quite a traumatic and chaotic pleasure. I genuinely love these children. Their sweet innocence and genuine concern are quite a challenge to the commanders but at the end of the day, their charms triumphed. I guess, in more way than ever, inadequate exposure, lack of knowledge in regards to the outdoors activities and general over-concern had played a major role in making these children to have mental blocks. However, fear not, the kayak experience is a good introduction to more fun activities ahead from the Royal Rangers Ministry of Melaka # 1. I remembered one sweet boy asking Comdr Steven if there are crocodiles, big fishes or piranha in the lake. Comdr. Steven whispered something into the boy's ears and you could see the colors being drained off the poor boy's face as we all burst out in laughter. If only you could see how one of the boys clung on to my feet after I had taken off his socks and shoes prior to the kayak adventure. Oh! What a funny but fun sight! Anyway, like always, safety is our No.1 priority and all our chidlren were neatly strapped with life jackets. Some of them look like some bundle sausages while some were totally overshadowed by the life jacket. There is one thing you cannot take away from the children - their enthusiasm and their excitement for the activity itself. Pairing each child with an older boy or older girl was the strategy to build leadership confidence and instillation of fun. Earlier, the children were taught on how to use the paddle and everyone seemed to nod sgnalling comprehension or confusing - did not know which is which!
Anyway, Comdr. Bryan, Comdr. Stephen Raj and Comdr. John Ng led this activity and they did a mighty fine job cordinating and ensuring that everything was in order. Two by two, the children were led into their kayak and off they go - paddling their hearts out at the calm lake. It was really fun to hear arguments coming from the kayaks, paddles going in opposite directions, circling of kayak at the same spot and splashing of water by the use of the paddles. It was pure fun and greta time out there. The children loved it after being able to do the paddling and travelled across the lake but always under the watch eyes of the young commanders and older boys/girls.
Nothing beats seeing the joy on the faces of these young ones as they rowed towards the length and width of the lake. Laughters broke out frequently and it was fun to see the chaotic fun happening between the kayaks and the children. After about one hours under the sun, we decided to recall them back to the pier area. Reluctantly each adn everyone made their way to the pier. You could see that some of these children were drenched wet and turning slightly pink shade like little shrimps on a seafood platter but they couldn't care less - they had a great time out there!
Upon arrival at the sanctuary, the children rushed to their parents and couldn't wait to relate their experience to their parents. I could see that some parents get "dizzy" listening to their children. In many ways, that helped to quell a lot of apprehension on safety and also, quell a lot of myths on what we do in our ministry - providing a fun learning experience, re-living childhood fun and keeping children for Christ. For me, the smiles on the children faces says it all for me. That's worth it, actually~
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Satire....
Yesterday, I felt that I was transported into an imaginary auditorium whereby I became one of the audience in The Voice - Special competition. As I was seated at my seat, I could see that there weren't much enthusiasm nor rapturous clapping like the previous years. Though the audience was not big and not as enthusiastic as years before, there were aspiring competitors/singers getting ready to do their gig up at the stage. I guess, this stage was different - there are dancers too involved. As the atmosphere was set with the early voice control activities and short prayers, the aspirants were ready to give their best shot. However, as it is still the early stages of the competition, the back-up musicians were considerably cut back to drums and organist to facilitate the protruding prominence of voices rather than the strings sounds. Another new milestone in the competition. Probably to highlight the voices rather than the musical instruments itself.

At the precise moment, the host of the show came up to the stage to inform the audience of the new format of the competition. Hmmmmnnnnnn..... I could see that it was a new host. Later on, the audience was to find out that the regular host of the show had decided to join the set-up of another new singing competition at a nearby facility after years and months of deliberation. I guess, the audience was told that after so much of fact twisting, arm-twisting exercise and sweet talks plus sugary treats, the regular host had had enough and decided to move on for the better. The most shocking news of all which was announced by the new host was that the singing competition was rocked by a series of resignation of top executives of the highest level after "irreconcilable differences" and "bad vibes" to the corporate entity. Later, one of the audience shamelessly whispered to me that the "spineless and no back bone" other executives are still running the corporate entity despite a mutiny at the corporate levels of management! Hmmmnnnn....another audience whispered " they'll probably be on the chopping block next!" Somehow, I was unfazed by all these talks. Been there, done that! No one listens anymore! Might as well enjoy the competition, eh?
Anyway, the host announced that there seemed to be a slight change and twist at this stage of the competition. Then there is another format change in the competition. The preliminary round winners get to sing over and over again , week after week as most probably, there won't be any other winners until the next talent comes around. There was a huge jumping of joy scene noted among the contestants as this change was informed to the audience. The host then informed the contestants that the new twist of the competition at this late stage of the competition is that all three singers will sing and compete together on stage and try to outdo one another to win the judges approval. Once the judges turned their chairs over just like the ones from "The Voice", they will point out the winner of the competition. However, if the judges do not turn their chairs, the contestants would have been struck out and have to leave the competition indefinitely. "Wow! That is tough", I thought to myself. Standard are high,man. Better be like Chris Tomlin, Darlene Z. or even Mandisa and put up the very best or else it is out of the competition.
The host then introduced the judges and I could see that the three seat of "judges" had names at the headboard of the seat while they face towards the audience. Nope, they weren't Adam Levine or Blake Shelton or even Steven Tyler. Let me introduce to you the three multi-talented and multi-loving judges. They are The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, man! The audience grew wild and exploded in rapturous cheers as the judges were introduced. They are the shinning example of The Voice-lar! I played my part by giving the judges a standing ovation as I clapped and waved my hands like a possessed lunatic out there! Woo hoo! Who wouldn't be proud to cheer for such glowing judges, right?
Anyway, the first three contestant went up to the stage and the motley crew of a band started to play the music. Each contestant tried to outdo one another and they tried their best to synchronize with one another and blend the music with each voice. It was excruciatingly painful to see this happening at this stage of the competition. Though the singing was not good the audience aren't angels too. They kept singing along just to blend in and not to hurt the feelings of the contestants. I guess, some of the audience are either tone deaf, musically-challenged or just mere ego polishers to these singers. Anyway, I could hear Randy Jackson who was sitting at the back of me saying, " It wasn't good, dawg. It wasn't good at all. It's pitchy and all over the place, man!" I guess, that says it all and the judges had still not turned their chairs. The only time the audience went wild with cheers was when the contestants stopped singing at the end of the song and the judges spurned their chairs around.
As the room quietened down for the judges comments, I could have sworn that you could hear a pin drop if it ever dropped. After a moment of golden silence, one of the judges remarked , " Repent! Repent! Repent! Be humble. Search deep in your heart and look me up during your quiet times! I will give you pointers when you are more humble to learn.Until then, you will have to live with this performance which you have made a mess."
Hmmmmnnnnn.....I thought that was an interesting comment.
This imaginary scenario and singing competition went up in a flash of smoke when a sweet young innocent voice of a child spoke, " Comdr, can you take me out of the kayak,please? Yippeeee........I am so happy. Fun,fun,fun,fun." is good to have 40 winks amidst the cool breeze at a nearby lake!

At the precise moment, the host of the show came up to the stage to inform the audience of the new format of the competition. Hmmmmnnnnnn..... I could see that it was a new host. Later on, the audience was to find out that the regular host of the show had decided to join the set-up of another new singing competition at a nearby facility after years and months of deliberation. I guess, the audience was told that after so much of fact twisting, arm-twisting exercise and sweet talks plus sugary treats, the regular host had had enough and decided to move on for the better. The most shocking news of all which was announced by the new host was that the singing competition was rocked by a series of resignation of top executives of the highest level after "irreconcilable differences" and "bad vibes" to the corporate entity. Later, one of the audience shamelessly whispered to me that the "spineless and no back bone" other executives are still running the corporate entity despite a mutiny at the corporate levels of management! Hmmmnnnn....another audience whispered " they'll probably be on the chopping block next!" Somehow, I was unfazed by all these talks. Been there, done that! No one listens anymore! Might as well enjoy the competition, eh?
Anyway, the host announced that there seemed to be a slight change and twist at this stage of the competition. Then there is another format change in the competition. The preliminary round winners get to sing over and over again , week after week as most probably, there won't be any other winners until the next talent comes around. There was a huge jumping of joy scene noted among the contestants as this change was informed to the audience. The host then informed the contestants that the new twist of the competition at this late stage of the competition is that all three singers will sing and compete together on stage and try to outdo one another to win the judges approval. Once the judges turned their chairs over just like the ones from "The Voice", they will point out the winner of the competition. However, if the judges do not turn their chairs, the contestants would have been struck out and have to leave the competition indefinitely. "Wow! That is tough", I thought to myself. Standard are high,man. Better be like Chris Tomlin, Darlene Z. or even Mandisa and put up the very best or else it is out of the competition.
The host then introduced the judges and I could see that the three seat of "judges" had names at the headboard of the seat while they face towards the audience. Nope, they weren't Adam Levine or Blake Shelton or even Steven Tyler. Let me introduce to you the three multi-talented and multi-loving judges. They are The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, man! The audience grew wild and exploded in rapturous cheers as the judges were introduced. They are the shinning example of The Voice-lar! I played my part by giving the judges a standing ovation as I clapped and waved my hands like a possessed lunatic out there! Woo hoo! Who wouldn't be proud to cheer for such glowing judges, right?
Anyway, the first three contestant went up to the stage and the motley crew of a band started to play the music. Each contestant tried to outdo one another and they tried their best to synchronize with one another and blend the music with each voice. It was excruciatingly painful to see this happening at this stage of the competition. Though the singing was not good the audience aren't angels too. They kept singing along just to blend in and not to hurt the feelings of the contestants. I guess, some of the audience are either tone deaf, musically-challenged or just mere ego polishers to these singers. Anyway, I could hear Randy Jackson who was sitting at the back of me saying, " It wasn't good, dawg. It wasn't good at all. It's pitchy and all over the place, man!" I guess, that says it all and the judges had still not turned their chairs. The only time the audience went wild with cheers was when the contestants stopped singing at the end of the song and the judges spurned their chairs around.
As the room quietened down for the judges comments, I could have sworn that you could hear a pin drop if it ever dropped. After a moment of golden silence, one of the judges remarked , " Repent! Repent! Repent! Be humble. Search deep in your heart and look me up during your quiet times! I will give you pointers when you are more humble to learn.Until then, you will have to live with this performance which you have made a mess."
Hmmmmnnnnn.....I thought that was an interesting comment.
This imaginary scenario and singing competition went up in a flash of smoke when a sweet young innocent voice of a child spoke, " Comdr, can you take me out of the kayak,please? Yippeeee........I am so happy. Fun,fun,fun,fun." is good to have 40 winks amidst the cool breeze at a nearby lake!
Voice 2

My family and I had been watching the blind auditions for The Voice and AI 11 ever since it started and I must say, we really had a lot of fun seeing the talents and the entertainment that comes with it. Sorta stress reliever during these times. And yunno what, it makes our family knit closer. We can discuss , talk about singers and even share a meal together at the livingroom, laughed, teased each other and even make observations. We also have our own favourites to win the competition. Speaking of The Voice, it was fun to see the judges namely Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera, Ce Lo Green and Blake Shelton battling the wits to win over the artists to their team. Personally, I think they are really choosy this year and their pick of singers are quite stringent. So, it would be interesting to see how they stack up/compete against one another later in the singing competition. Seriously, I see interesting talents in people like Chris Mann, Jesse Campbell, Tony Lucca, Gwen Sebastian and a whole more of other talented singers. As usual, there will be winners and losers in such a competition - hopefully may the best singer wins.
The one thing I have learned is that there is always a passion for singing but let us not forget the Giver of that voice. Many have forgotten that the talent, the beautiful voice range and all that is associated with our voice can only come from one source - Our Creator. Let us be thankful and not forget that even as we become bathroom singers , that gift and ability to make a sound is itself one of the greatest gift to mankind by Our Creator. Imagine how the mute yearns to be able to speak or the deaf yearns to be able to hear and the blind yearns to be able to see!~
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