Anyway, as we arrived at our campsite at Agro-Tourism Resort, Tehel, Melaka, we got ourselves sorted out, got the bags out of the van and headed into our bungalow house for the day. Camp briefing was carried out by Comdr. Stephen Raj. I am very proud of these young commanders namely Comdr. Stephen Raj, Comdr. John, Comdr. Stefanie, Comdr. Ivy Wong, Comdr. Joa Wee, Comdr. Bryan Lee together with Matthew Sim And Timothy Chiew. for the planning and the carrying out of the camp duties. They are ably supported by ER Josephine, ER Shwu Yuen and AR Jocelyn.They have done a tremendous job of ensuring the safety and the well-being of the children. I am truly amazed by the dedication and their safety consciousness in ensuring that everyone enjoys the camp and grasping the full potential of the day. I am thankful for these young leaders who would put many to shame with what they have done for these children and ensuring the very success of this camp. As an "old" leader, I am at peace that this ministry is in good hands of these young lads who had risen up and ready for greater leadership role. I guess, that is the greatest joy in my life and I am thankful that the Lord had enabled me and the older leaders to pass on our experience to these young dynamic leaders. Praise God for these leaders!
Coming back to the camp, our first activity of the day was baking bread session carried out by me. Turning back the clock earlier, at about 1.20am, I started out mixing out the bread ingredients alone and kneaded the bread dough until about 3.45am. Along the session , I was joyful and I prayed that the Lord would allow me to have great bread dough for the children. I prayed for soft, yummy and good bread. By the time I cleaned up and got ready for bed, it was already about 4.15am. By the time I could close my eyes, it was already 7.00am and it's rush all the way to get the things ready , loaded up into the car and a mad drive to our favourite shop for our breakfast. The rest is history. Anyway, I started out the session by getting out some of the puffed up dough and started to puncture the puff by boxing it and kneading the dough. Then I started out a demo of how to roll a croissant bread with a new twist that is the additional all time favourite, the sausage! I did two pieces and then I told the children to clean their hands and started doing the croissants. It was a real joy and a good laugh to see the children messing up their sausage croissants. All shapes and sizes were registered but everyone did their own sausage croissant. After putting the sausage croissants into the oven, I must say that the aroma from the oven was really pleasing. As the first batch came out, some of the leaders had a first hand dig at the sausage croissants. They tasted good and that's all I needed to hear. I then got the younger leaders to try their hands at doing their own creations while I rolled out the cinnamon rolls.
After that , the children went for the telematches with Comdr. John, Stephen and Stefanie. They had a good time rolling, falling and having fun with one another on the lawn grass. Soon, it was time for lunch and the whining cow starts. Tradition allows us to have no such nonsense, so, the leaders had ensured that they finished every grain available in the lunch box no matter what. The lunch boxes were effectively cleaned except for the chicken bones. After some good rest and some good laughs over the children's antics, we were off to Jasin Hot Spring. The Kiddy Pool was soothing, lukewarm and fun. The children changed in a flash and they were off to the pool. For the brave hearts, they ventured into the warmer pools while the adults and some brave souls ventured into the 41degrees mineral pool which was hot but pleasantly soothing for the muscles. When I first got doused by Comdr. Steven, I remembered shouting for my father and mother! However, the dip later on was therapeutic as my body was acclimatised with the natural heat. It was relaxing but hot; very hot! The best part of the fun was the big slide at the warmer pool. Everyone had a great time there and the fun was infectious as it was portrayed throughout the day at the warm mineral pools. Then it was feasting on the earlier made sausage croissant breads, cinnamon rolls and Massimo breads with chicken curry compliments from Comdr. Jason. really wish you could have seen the faces of these hungry looking children after the fun at the pools! What a day! What great fun it was!
After washing up, dinner made up of spaghetti with sausages and fried terayaki chicken made by Comdr. Jessica was a real delight! The children loved it. Second and third helpings were seen while chicken pieces and sausages exchanged hands and popped into the mouths in rapid & steady succession! After some solace of rest after dinner, it was devotion time with Comdr. Jason. The children were still wide awake and they listened intently to the Word that was presented that night. Comdr. Jason gave an inspiring message to the children and it was hoped that the Word would stay in the hearts of these young ones.I was feeling uncomfortable at that time as I felt a slight pain in my chest and I headed out to the special shed to catch some air. For the other leaders, they then came by to the special shed to catch some night breeze and a round of talks and fun together. It was a great bonding time. I felt so proud of these leaders who had given everything they had for these children; carrying out the great tradition of continuity of leadership - their love, their time, their sacrifice, their resources and their finances. I am really blessed to have such leaders. I truly am blessed.
The next morning, Comdr. Steven carried out the morning devotion. After an inspiring devotion, it was time for breakfast of bread with Nuttela chocolate spread, peanut butter spread and even spaggheti and chicken curry. It was a stomach bursting breakfast and no one should complain that they weren't enough food either! Soon, it was souvenir giving time and Hall of Shame parade on left behind items such as clothes, swimsuit, underwears, towels and many other items. Congratulations to RK Aseph Khaw who emerged as the Best Camper for RK Slumber Night 2012.
Overall, it was great fun and a day where young lives are given the opportunity to come out of their sheltered lives to live out the day in natural surroundings, be one with nature , freak out and just be children. I am thankful to the Lord for great weather, great fellowship and beautiful children to share the day. Like I said, at the end of the day, it's their infectious wide smile and grin that makes it all so worthwhile. I believe with all my heart that the leaders are not out there to gain popularity, win any popularity contest nor gather fame but simply to lead the children to lead a purposeful, meaningful and fun life with others and in our beautiful natural surroundings. It is good to stop and smell the flowers sometimes - it will help you to strengthen your life. For me, I am more than satisfied. I am extremely glad that once again, God had prevailed and I had lived another day to be a blessing to the children and the leaders - in what ever small way I can. That is the most satisfying feeling EVER!~
Slight chest pain?! R u feeling better now? anymore pain? Please ah, take care of yourself. Kneading bread till wee hrs of the morning and hardly getting any sleep! Aiyo!!
All that aside, I think I speak on behalf of many parents when I say that we are very grateful to you and your team. Your commitment, hard work, love for the Lord and the kids are HUGE blessings to our kids and us. May Jesus, bless you with abundant life, health, joy, peace and grant you the desires of your heart.
Btw, no funny quips from the kids for our prying ears ah? :D
Liz, thank you. Feeling better. It is really a joy and my pleasure to do my best for the children-lar. No worries! Funny quips....coming soon! Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa...... Thank you very much for the wonderful support to the RR Ministry all these years! Melaka # 1 is 20 years old!~ Imagine. I am so glad to be a part of this ministry!
Can Ryan join this kind of camp also? :) I want him to have a try.
YES. Probably , he can try next year.. Should be interesting.....hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaa....
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