To me, the "carte blanche" freedom for these culprits will indeed make Malaysia , the No.1 paedophile destination in the world! Shame! Shame ! Shame! is all I can say to the perpetrators and their supporters. Have our learned judge ever consider the lives of the 13 year old and the 12 year old victims? What rubbish is being churned out to our society today? What message and the implication of such ruling brings to the society as a whole? So, tell me, Law Minister, Women Ministry Minister, parlimentarians, law makers, learned judges and lawyers, do you support statutory rape and paedophiles or is it a punishable offence under our Malaysian law? Do we need to be "selective" in our "punishing" or does the law applies across the entire nation? If you are only primarily so concern of the future of the bowler and the electrician, what about the FUTURE of the 13 year old and the 12 year old? This, I am very sure including the entire fabric of the Malaysian society would like to know too!
A poor mother who steals milk powder from a supermarket for her starving baby is sent to jail eventhough she is desperately poor did not get any sympathy from our learned judges at one time. She is sent to jail for her actions and statutory rape gets " scott free and bound for good behaviour "? Look! This bowler planned and booked a hotel room to get his will on this 13 year old child while the electrician planned to be sick so that he can take advantage of a 12 year old girl? Mind you, is that not a pre-planned evil scheme? How is it that such evidence is not taken into consideration for cases such as this? This is PRE-PLANNED evil plans or rather pre-meditated actions! This is wrong! Very very wrong and illogical. Already, the judiciary had been made the laughing stock of the world and these two cases only confirmed and cemented the moronic phrase of "Malaysia Boleh". People on the street even say so using this phrase. I don't mean this to be degratory in any sense but it is so frustrating to see even the people who are supposed to defend the victims themselves are giving free passes to the perpetrators! It is like the well-known BM wise saying, " harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi."
Yunno, you can get away with the face of evil or even the fact of evil but you cannot get away from the feel of evil. The fact is that it is statutory rape and that is punishable under the Malaysian law. Look , thousands and thousands of athletes including bowlers and electricians are churned out each year. What are you talking about their future? We can't even tell what food we are going to eat tomorrow or is there going to be food on our table lest know about our future! Tell me the future of the victims? What will happen to them? Tell me how you see it if the victims are your daughters? For that matter, to hit it below the belt, how would you feel, you learned judges , if the victims ARE your daughters? Does that make a difference?
My point precisely is who will answer for these scarred young victims? Are we victimising these young ones because they gave consent for sex? Do they actually possess the maturity on the whole issue of sex or are they being co-erced into having sex because of some suave talk and pre-meditated plan in the first place? Look, these are young girls with a future too if you want to talk about future. Aren't these girls entitled for a future too? You mean to say that these girls don't have a future and they need to turn into sex slave, prostitutes and sexual objects for the pleasures of these men who will then get a free pass from you for " having a future ahead of them"? Afterall, you, so-called learned judges , had set the precedent for this , right? Where do they go from here? Where? YES! We allow rapist to go free! We allow paedophiles to walk free! We allow young children being ravaged and sexually abused. How does that tug your heart, learned judges? How do you sleep at night if someone were to do the same thing to your daughter? Does it prick your conscience or are you thinking like a prick?
Of course, I am MAD. HELL YA, I am MAD indeed if I have to be brutally honest! A person goes to jail for writing an article condemning the country but a rapist gets a free pass for raping an underage girl! Fantastic signals were are sending out to the rest of the rapist not including grandfathers, middle aged men or even pot-bellied late 30's businessman as their future may not be bright, budding or as potential as the younger ones! I guess, gone are the days where judges mete out the heaviest judgement of caning and jail sentences for rapist as deterent for such offences. I really miss those judges with "balls of steel" when it comes to such judgement. I believe even in our jails today the inmates would clobber up rapists or people who would hurt children because even in prison, they know the decency of doing the right thing and have the dignity of not hurting children or underage children.
Where has our morality of doing the right thing and being righteous go? Where has our fear in God gone? Where has our common sense gone? I shudder at the future of our daughters. They would always be subjected to such male chauvenistic pig views and unjust decisions. I hate injustice - always have and always will! This is just one of the many I have seen in my lifetime.
I want you to know, you scumbags, GOD is watching you too, yunno!