As I found a little success in my career, the new position and responsibilities, somehow sucked up every little time I have and also, I had to deal with much more complex works which practically drowned me back to the tables. Good sleep escaped me as usual and soon, silly panda ring eyes appeared. This irked me a lot -physically, mentally and socially. I guess, the One Above always have something planned for me. BTW, who am I to resist His call? As they say, resistance is futile, I guess, it all started with the pizza and waffles fun for the youth. There was kinda a rush of joy and blessing as the activity was held. Though I made the first few pizzas, I have learned to pull back and let the rest finished up the activity. I was happy with what I saw and experienced. There was a welling up of joy and blessing that I had not felt for such a long time. The joy was really different. I guess, the fact that I availed myself gave SLing some uneasy time. She was just worried of my enthusiasm and was just afraid that I would be hurt again knowing my level of craziness. So, I was also cautious that I did not excite myself too much and held back a bit. But still, my heart was longing for something but I could feel the tingle of joy.

That night, as we settled down in the room, I enthusiastically shared with SLing what I had done at the meeting. I shared how these leaders encouraged me unknowingly and how their responses were tremendous plus heartwarming. SLing asked me to slow down. Later, she said to me " If God wants to use you in His Kingdom, who am I to stop God or you. But please, take it easy and go slow, Ivan. I don't want you to be hurt anymore." I must admit that SLing has always been my greatest supporter and I really appreciate her support all these years. I thank God too that He has put the fire back in my heart to be useful in His Kingdom. I hope to start slow and I hope to take bite sizes of things as many good friends had reminded me. Thank you to the many who had prayed for me, spoke to me, encouraged me and prayed for the fire of serving back in my heart. YES! I do feel the fire and I know too that someone ain't gonna be happy but what the heck - It is young lives that matters! It is GOD that matters! Amen!
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