Early last week, I attended a work assignment for a very routine case work but I guess, this experience knocked the socks off my senses a bit. You see, I went to this house and managed to do my interview and investigations in regards to a mishap that had happened to a property.

She then started to shout and rave towards her children and barking to her daughter to bring the food for the baby she was holding. The young girl went to the kitchen and retrieved the bowl of gooey stuff for the baby. By this time, I reached for my name card and gave to her. She nonchalantly took my name card and put it down . She then barked at her daughter , " Is this his spoon? Did you not know what the baby spoon is? " and stared down her grown up daughter. The poor girl stared back at her and said nothing. There was like a Mexican stand-off between the lady and her daughter for about a few minutes. Finally, the daughter just broke off the silence and said " You are so ridiculous!" while she pranced angrily and quickly to the kitchen and brought the baby spoon so that the lady could feed the younger baby.
I then carried out my usual investigation routine point and when she told me that her occupation was psychologist in a foreign land. I was like " beg your pardon, did you say you are a psychologist?" She answered firmly that she is working as a psychologist while her husband works as an engineer. I just could not believed what I have just heard and it was simply unbelievable indeed. Before I could say anything, the child grabbed my name card with his gooey/soiled with food hands and played with it. I could see my name card being made mashed potato in the hands of a very lively and cute little baby boy who has an equally vociferous personality like his mother. I am never one who would judge on people but I really felt that this woman was really way out of line. The message she sends as a mother was already bad enough ; I often wonder how on earth can one pretend when being a psychologist and trying to help others go through whatever difficulties they had. Here lies the death of a different kind. The death of a thousand qualifications and the death of a profession call psychologist. Imagine the fate and lives of many are in her hands when she administers her so-called expertise, week in, week out. What expertise is what I ask! How on earth are the people ever gonna get better? Yunno, what stuck out like a sore thumb in this entire matter was the sad fact that it was all a mask. A mask that she puts on when she does her work and a deception I would call it. She had deceptively deceived the people who put their trust in her because of that long piece of paper that hung on her wall to adorn her clinic. A showpiece of her abundance of unguided pride, venomous spite and pompous personality. There was certainly a lack of remorse, a lack of compassion and even a greater lack of grace on her part. The fact that a silver cross hung prominently around her neck made it an impossible miss for even the eyes of the partially blind person. How on earth can we portray God 's love if we act like like some lunatic on steroids? I wonder what is her expertise!
She even chewed on me when I told her that her quotation for repairs were way off the market pricing. All the while, I remained cool and in a smiling state knowing that it would be futile to calm one that had already made up their mind to do the obvious act of untruthfulness and deceit. I am mightily aware that one should be compensated for the loss of property and so on but to cheat and lie to achieve it doesn't augur well with me. I told her that she will get what she deserve for the damages that had happened. When she came to realisation that I would not budge on my views of the loss, she threatened that she would go to the courts and so on. Hey lady, this ain't London, Paris nor New York! Wake up, smell the fresh flowers and live responsibly is all I could muster to say without offending anyone.
Somehow it was a blistering hot day which I did not match it with my vile temper. I am thankful that I did not lose it that day. I would have like to, in all honesty but some how, years of experience had taught me that it was simply a futile activity. Ah! Teh mamak next , I guess.....that would be more awesome, don't you think so?
Wow, this lady makes me so mad. I would have exploded all over her! But you kept it all in. Bravo!
Hi Christina, thank you for dropping by at my blog. I am humbled by your encouragement. Thank you.
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