Spending time with Ryan & Ashley , my two favourite nephew and niece has always been my pleasure. When we had the opportunity to do so when we went back to Seremban the other weekend, SLing and I decided that it would be great fun to introduce them to some art trick fun. Scanning through the interesting places in Seremban and PD, we chanced upon Alive 3D Art Gallery in Lukut, Port Dickson. The thought of having these two tiny tots plus their parents, Wei & Jade plus MIL, it is definitely gonna be great fun indeed!
We drummed up the fun with the two tiny tots and it was interesting to look for the place via WAZE apps. When we actually found the place, it was nestled in a commercial area and Alive 3D Art Gallery is a three storey plus 2 lot shop house. It is huge, if you don't get my drift and I was told that there are about 50 art pieces in the building. Entrance fee was RM 20 for adults while children was RM 15 while senior citizen was charged RM 10 provided you show your NRIC . The weird part is that you pay another RM 2 for the locker to keep your shoes or slippers. Well, I could hear SLing grumbling under her breath while I thought it was a reasonable price to pay for the art pieces and storage.
Yeah, I am a sucker for art pieces and I just love art pieces. I believe that there are many talented people out there who could draw very beautiful pieces and they should be rewarded for their efforts. Anyway, I believe that just as any other art gallery centre, the entrance fees and what not has to be affordable to the general public. What is the use of charging exorbitant fees and lose the attraction or the appeal to the very local people. So, operators of such museums or art pieces, please be reasonable.
I must say that what happened next which is the scene of all of us entering the places was totally unexpected. There was just so much excitement and joy on the faces of the children and the adults alike. The art pieces were nice. From the very first piece and moving on to the next pieces, excitement mounts, laughter spread while so much enjoyment were derived at the posing for photographs. It was really really good to see my BIL, Wei & SIL, Jade enjoying themselves and having fun. To me, nothing brings more joy to my heart than to see everyone having a good time. I guess, when you are 50 like me, these simple joy meant so much and I believe that if I could bring an aorta of joy to the people I love in my household, I have already contented at heart.
Ryan and Ashley posing funnily at the art pieces really showed their adorability. Ashley was more active and more conscious on how to pose with the art pieces. She is really sharp and good at posing while Ryan was more subdued but enjoyed the art pieces in his own way. I could see that even Wei & Jade enjoyed themselves thoroughly. That is very encouraging indeed. Even MIL got into the action by posing for some of the art pieces. For me , I have seen enough to know that the day had gone well indeed.
I must say that the art pieces are really poster pieces unlike the ones in Bukit Katil, Melaka which were hand painted. Nevertheless, the poster pieces were interestingly nice, exciting and quite challenging. There is definitely a lot of effort to make the art pieces come alive with the proper props and pieces. I definitely like the toilet scene with Hulk and Spidey! I could be naughty there and there was much laughter there too!
We did not end here but took a trip to the Army Museum as suggested by the two tiny tots who explained that they wanted their parents to see the museum. So,off we went to the museum when all they wanted was to get on the canopy walk and try to impress their parents that they are brave enough to do the canopy walk! Bravo children! Guess, all those effort to bring some excitement to these small precious lives work, huh? They really enjoyed the walk up at the canopy walk and even did the walk with their parents. Good for you , Ryan & Ashley!
I am just happy that everything turned out good that day for everyone. For me, I have added another museum feather to my cap. Never mind if it is another museum because I really love visiting museum. Someone joked that if we continue doing such trips, SLing will be teaching Sejarah in school soon!! I just love history of things and it is always interesting for me. I believe that no one can be successful without a history. A young millionaire or billionaire doesn't impress me at all because they would have inherited all the wealth from their fathers or forefathers but a seasoned rich man would have many stories to tell coz they would have gone through so much. We lived in a world of short cuts and quick success and we see even more downfalls in that way.
That's why I prefer to learn from history than repeat the same costly mistakes and learn from experience who is your best teacher in life. As I looked into history of things, I realised that the values of hard work, dedication and honesty are fundamental while great friendship, skills and communication are essential. These are definitely things people of today talked about but I shudder at the very thought of how many actually practised it in their everyday dealings. I wonder...........I really do wonder....................
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