Shan's Orphanage Home.... |
I have always counted my family and I to be thoroughly blessed throughout the year. Never mind if there had been storms in our lives , grueling times, difficult times or even very unhappy times but alas, just being thankful for the little blessings in life were what motivated me to move on in my/our life/lives. Sure, it is hard; very hard when you are in that valley but there is always a rainbow when the stormy cloud cleared.
Selvi and Appu with SLing.... |
One of the things I get to do before I end this year was to visit an orphanage home in Penang. My family and I counted ourselves most blessed being able to give a little back to the community in any way we can. I am humbled to say that I have always stuck to my roots that it is good to bless the community not for meritus boot straps or whatever but merely acting as a fellow human being and being there in the unfortunate conditions before. I have had many good moral teachers ( good friends ) who had taught me that it is more blessed to give than to receive. I've not forgotten their words of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement.
With the girls...Darshini ( red tee ) Jaya ( far right ) |
Hence, when Felicia Law of City Light Church asked us if we would like to be of help during their visit there at Shan's Orphanage Home at Siddharta Park at Mount Erskine, the family was more than happy to help out. When I found out from Felicia that the Home's need list were really non-expensive items and mainly daily basis needs, I was floored. These needs were so basic and they did not asked for any luxurious items or over the moon items but merely daily basic supplies. I must commend Felicia for taking the role of the organiser and also the contact person between CLC and Shan's Home. She really took the trouble to find out from the Home Administrator what each children would like for their Christmas presents and she would try to matched them the best they could. Well done, Felicia !
Uncle John, Charlotte , Jethro playing with the children.. |
CLC members mingling with the children.... |
JWee, SYuen and my sister, Lee Lee with the children...
CLC members chatting with the children.... |
Giving out the presents..... |
The CLC children singing Christmas carols.... |
I was really touched when I saw the list of simple needs and also what Felicia had done to garner in the cash for the buying of the items for the Home children. The night before our visit to the Home, my sister, Lee Lee, SYuen, SLing, JWee and myself got the remaining groceries list of items and made orders at McDonalds for the event.
Children with the McDonald meals... |
That morning when we arrived at Shan's Orphanage Home, I noted that it was a double storey property tucked between a Buddhist Home and a Disabled Home. I was told that there are 26 children in the home with 8 boys and 18 girls. As we stepped into the compound, I noted two girls were having capati breakfast with simple dhall curry while four young children were sitting down enjoying their meal with powdered faces! As we unstuffed the things from the car, I chatted up with the children. I immediately went onto the familiarisation mode and chatted up with the children. Selvi, being the older one could converse in English while the rest were too young to understand us except fro BM and Tamil. It was hilarious as it was like chicken and the duck talk but we managed once we could speak BM to them which is universal , of course. Appu, one of the girls, is the youngest of the lot at the front porch area. She was very friendly with Felicia and SLing.
Children of teh Home with their McDonald's meals.... |
Being inquisitive in nature, I started asking questions of where are they from, how long they had been the home and where are their parents and so on. They started answering my questions and as the questions kept moving along, my heart was hurting and wrenched. Yeah, poor children were left behind by their parents due to poverty and stories of neglecting parents hurts a lot. One child confided that parents were simply too poor to take care of them while Appu, her sister and brother (Little Messi - I would call him! ) were examples of parents not being able to take care of them.
Presents time........ |
As I met up with Jaya ( the eldest girl in the home - she is 18 ), she told me a lot about the situation of each person there. It was never a sob story from her but the very truth of why this child or that child is in the Home. I see her "sisterly" authority over the rest of the children and I am happy that she kinda take charge of the children there. I began to see many families of sisters, brothers, brother & sister combo in the home. I asked a point blank question to some of the teenage girls if they are happy being in the Home and I do get a mixed response. Some told me that it is better than no home while some answered that it is too controlled environment while the touching one is really " at least, we have shelter and food in which we could call Home".
Meal time... part of the boys.... |
Meal time....the girls looking into their goodies... |
Meal time.... I got the car, you get the helicopter, didn't you? |
Meal time for everyone.... |
My heart was wrenched looking at these children and yet, I have utmost respect for the caretakers an caregivers who would toiled hard to provide that improvement to these children. We, the donors and givers, come and go each year but these children remained there to build a future of their own. It must be really tough for these people and for the children too.
Meal time for everyone... |
I had the opportunity to pray for the food in BM and I did my part. In the midst of it all, I realised that after speaking to one of the live-in helper, Christina, she is a Christian. As I was at one corner of the home as the children were having their McDonald meals, I was prompted to pray for Christina. Though I do struggled a bit but I strengthened my heart, called Christina over and prayed for her in BM. When I had finished praying for her, she went to the girl's room and a few minutes later she re-appeared. She smiled at me , said "Puji tuhan" and I could see her eyes welled up. I just smiled and told her that she is doing good God's work and she is the light of the home. I sincerely hope she would be blessed taking care of the children even though I knew it would be really tough for her.

I loved the time I spent with the older girls as they spoke their minds of the things they faced in school and what they want to do in life. They were enthusiastic about what they want to do and I gave whatever encouragement I could to them and told them that there are no short cuts in life and they would have to work very hard; never give up and know that hard work does pays off with salaried jobs. I also told them that God is their No.1 priority and No.1 fan in their lives. They should honor that first before anything else. I wouldn't know I had inspired them or not that day but at least, I try to be as practical as possible. Gosh, I really want them to know God first before anything else. I am most afraid that with the overload of presents and things they get from donors, givers and gifts from good Samaritans, they would have the "hand out" mentality and have a different attitude. To me, it is good to be grounded in GOD and knows that in their hearts.
Organiser, Felicia Law.... |
Anyway, as we left Shan's Home that day, I brought to my heart the smiles on their faces as they received their gifts/presents. I also brought to my fragile heart that it is so blessed to give to these children and see their priceless expressions. I am thankful that CLC had taken that journey of blessing and giving in the ever present Spirit of Christmas. Let us just not give during the holidays but as often as we could as we blessed Shan's Home and any other homes in need. May it be a continuous effort to continue to bless and do what we can for these children.
Hey, if you ever find it in your heart that you would want to bless these children, call up these Homes and asked them of their needs. You will never know how much joy and blessing you bring by dropping them off at these Homes. Afterall, you do not need to have an occasion to give to the needy. You do not need to give a RM2.6 billion donation lar but it would be good but hey, a bag of groceries of essentials would surely do a lot of wonders to these Homes, I tell you.
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