Probably this could cause an effect in our own country but it doesn’t hold valid or shall I say… helped not a single bit to the miseries that is being experienced by the Palestinians. Come on ! For crying our loud! Do more tangible things than resorting to such dumbness! And please, don’t gather sympathy from the rakyat or divert attention away from the current cloudy conditions looming nearby at the elections. It’s plain and simple ~ everyone is trying to garner publicity from the miseries faced by the Palestinians. I want to make one thing clear here – I am NOT a RACIST ! I am first and foremost, a HUMAN BEING with flesh ,blood and feelings!
YES! I am violently angry over the dastardly act from Israel [ BTW, Judaism is their official religion and not Christianity. So, don’t ply nor sow hatred on Christianity! This is for the benefit of those who do not or simply will not understand the difference between Judaism and Christianity! ] but at the same time, how could you live in your homes knowing every few weeks some missiles flies over your skies and bring misery to the families in your land ? So, they retaliated and what you see is happening today and then it’s vice –versa reaction! Hatred begets hatred and violence begets violence. For goodness heaven sake! That rears the ugly head of hatred, more hatred, vengeance and ultimately innocent death of thousands and even millions in time to come!
Coming back to our local scenario, don’t the politicians and people in power know that three quarters of the equipments and products they use in the Government departments are from US or somehow from US. If they really want to enforce this ruling, then stop using computers, automated bank tellers machines,aeroplanes, bicycles, shoes, clothes, cars, numbering machines & system, medicine, generator sets, projectors, DVD players, pointers, heavy machineries and so on - just to name a few! Come on! Gotta be responsible and accountable to what we say and not stirring up sentiments and “see how it goes” attitude! One famous quip and I quote , “ You could hoodwink some people some time but not every one , every time!” Anyway, try getting medicine from Iran, Greece, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Afghanistan or China for that matter to feed our people! Now, that would be an eye-opener, isn’t it? What a real joke on boycotting products!
Then comes this stupid culture of flag burning! You get some spray painted flags of Israel, some US products and you burnt it in the open, bringing more pollution to our air and you stand up on the podium and criticized open burning made by the citizens of our beloved nation and shout of murder and further enforcement against open burning when you do it blatantly for all to see & publish in newspaper some more! This to me is “cakap tak serupa bikin” mentality !
Look, this is my point of view of helping out the Palestinians. Get Jordan, Egypt, UAE or even Saudia Arabia or nations in the Arab league to open their borders for these people. Why are they not opening their borders for the sake of compassion and brotherhood? Why are they not feeding their fellow brothers? Let’s get our so-called patriot-thick leaders to pressure the UN for peacekeeping efforts and get those food, supplies and medicine to the innocent people in Palestine first or rather asap. The greatest thing a nation can ever do in such times is to feed, care and look after the hurt, the wounded and the orphaned. There is no greater need than these things at this time of mess. Then, pressure and get a ceasefire immediately! Stop the killing and get the nation leaders of the world to rally behind a ceasefire. Get peacekeepers from all over the nation to protect and preserve peace! Do concrete stuff rather than just shouting out of their vile mouths !
So, dear Mr. & Mrs Leaders, go and fly to UN to get those things done and don’t come back until you see a difference! That’s my challenge to the leaders of nation rather than boycott, burn flags and stop the media from overly-sowing hatred by showing the pictures of wounded, hurt and malnourished children over and over again! We DO get the message, believe me, WE DO GET THE MESSAGE – Malay, Chinese , Indians, Sikh, Eurasian, Kadazan, Ibans, etc. I am very sure that financial aid is being channeled into the Palestinians funds set up while this is written. Oh! BTW, what about the atrocities carried out in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia and even in Indonesia ? What? They are less important?!! Sheeeezsh ! I rest my case ! One thing I know, casualties of war will come from both Israelites and Palestinians! It's a terrible thing and help should go through as fast as possible for these people irrespective of race, color or creed!
We have had enough hatred, untrusting , corrupt, biasness and every negativities to flood this entire universe you can think of being shoved down our throats over the years. Enough! Please stop and let healing hearts heal! I will be the very first to tell you that I am a human being first – not a Chinese, an Indian, a Malay, a Sikh, a Eurasian, a Kadazan, an Iban or what ever. That is what I intend to be – A HUMAN BEING first in our beloved nation, Malaysia. Please, HEAL HEARTS and NOT sow HATRED!~ Remember, free the deceit of the heart and the mind and you stand tall as a human being.~ God bless you all !~
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