Anyway, back to Tesco, we did our shopping of food and drinks. Gosh! I have never seen so many people in Tesco that night. Probably, with CNY around the corner, the people are getting their stuff early. I could see that there is more selective buying this year comparably with the previous year. Maybe, consumers are smarter now and with the present economic slowdown, they are getting only the essential stuffs rather than overdoing it as of the previous years. Consumers can be very elaborate in their spendings at times. I guess, being a smart shopper is being able to get the best of your money worth and at the same time not compromising the quality.
Soon, we had filled with enough stuff for the celebration and after paying for the stuff, we took a walk at the shoplots area. It was here that we met up with Mdm.Y [ I want to respect the identity of this person!! ] She was sitting alone, down-casted and oblivious to the happenings until we called out to her. It was rather shocking to find her staring blankly in the air and I must admit that it was a sure sign of her depressive condition. She was a little startled when we called out to her. However, she greeted us and we exchanged pleasantries. Then she told me that she would sit for 1 hour at the shopping complex just to get away from boredom and stare at the people passing her way. She went on and on in regards to how sick she was earlier and how lonely she had been since her children had been away. I would attribute her depressive condition to her medication and also, to loneliness. BTW, she had had an operation earlier which could have ended her life but somehow with God's grace, Mdm. Y was alive. Now, she's battling another hurdle in her life.
As I walked towards my car, I couldn't help but play that scene in my mind over and over again. The empty stare , the lonely life and the mere........emptiness of this soul. Gosh! I just wish that Mdm.Y would look beyond her condition and look to the greatest healer in life, God to fill that void in her life. Yunno, there may be many out there suffering in silence over this depressive spirit. I want you to know that God, the Father, made you whole and healthy & He most definitely did not put this spirit in you! For whatever your mental condition or mental denial state you are in, know that God is the author and finisher of our lives. Don't be lied into your mental state because you have been made whole in the sight of God. Rise up and proclaim that victory in your life! BTW, keep your mind clean and pure for God! Pray hard and He will do the rest. Like the clipart above, Christ is indeed my victory!~
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