You see, I am tired of people taking advantage of our niceness that it becomes a norm. It is like taking for granted that so and so will do this thing or that thing without complain and moreover he/she likes doing it! So, the appreciation level for that person is virtually non-existent or some may hide under the cloak of “He/She is good at that and he/she should do it.”. We always think that this person or that person would understand and it is okay. That’s why, personally, I take every opportunity to thank any one who has in one way of another helped me in my stay on this earth! If I have missed anyone, at this space, I forward my sincere apologies and I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing my life no matter how big or how small that favour is! You may challenge me and say that saying “thank you “ is not necessary or awkward among friends or family but don’t you think that saying the phrase “Thank You” would brighten up that person’s perspective a whole lot? I think, you and I know that the answer is “Yes, it would.” It would brighten a whole lot of a person’s perspective in life. Am I the only one being silly about it or do you feel that way too? Just like the picture of the red panda, I would say that this trait has become almost extinct!
Yunno, I see this trait of not saying “thank you” in a lot of people that I’ve come across in my life. It has become a really “forgotten” norm. It is like, “ Yeah! It’s your job-lah” or “Yeah! You’re supposed to do it.” and so on. It is so much worse when you get people whereby they always felt that people must do what they want and worst still, “they should do it for you” mentality. Look! I am not sharing this by plucking this info from the air, ok? This is not the “minta puji” thingy either. This is a fact of life. I know that there are plenty of ways to appreciate a person that has in one way or another helped in your life but saying “Thank You” is really an inner feeling of gratitude and appreciation. That, I think, is more precious than anything else I could think of. Yunno, don’t get tongue-tied when saying “thank you”. Be very generous with this because it does a whole lot of good to the receiver of this nice words. Honestly, it really feels good to be appreciated in that way and it does help you in a small way. Come on! I know that gratitude and appreciation would not be missed by God but hey, we live on earth. Be real. Know that gratitude and appreciation goes a long way in making someone’s life much happier and brighter indeed. Do not conform but transform,right? Good words never hurt our soul. In fact, they are like therapeutic healing in our heart. It hurts me to think that as a person, we have forgotten the basic goodness and living manners in our lives. Ask yourselves, on what occasions or situations have you profess this phrase? Ask too, have you meant it from your heart when you say such phrase? Remember that reciting the Lord ’s Prayer by memorizing in the mind is so much different from meaning /professing it from the heart! This is my 5 sen input ~
Lastly , for all of you who had made my life a little brighter in this crazy world in one way or another, THANK YOU SO MUCH from the bottom of my heart!~
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