Anyway, today was more of closing up the loose ends. Went through piles and bundles of wood again, counting, recording and doing what they call the MC [ moisture content ] test on the wood piles/bundles. As I was counting and doing the test, I had the opportunity to talk to the fork lift driver, Hamdan and the assistant, Aziz. Though not much difference in age, [ both are in their forties - 46 and 42 ], we had a good chat and a relaxed atmosphere while carrying out our respective works. They shared on their lives, their families and their aspirations for their children and so on. No matter what , the work got done professionally as that's what we are paid for in our respective jobs, right?
Yunno, in many ways than ever, I want to thank God for giving me this precious gift of being able to make friends easily or strike a conversation easily [ not forgetting that I do get hurt easily too! ]. I guess, I am thankful that I can "blend in" with all types & all walks of people and it is such a privilege. To me, I just want to meet as many people as possible and to learn from as many people I meet. Yes, I do meet some nasty people in life while I also get the opportunity to meet good and humble people along the way. Really, I still consider myself to be learning to be a better person in life. I guess, God allows us to meet all sorts of people to colour our lives up and to ensure that we learn our curve in life. So, today, I just want to thank the Lord for His graciousness in my life amidst my tiredness and sore limbs! God bless you all.~
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