Yesterday evening, my mom ,SLing and me attended a wedding in a hotel in Melaka. I guess, I am never comfortable at wedding dinners especially when relatives are part of the set-up. Many years ago, the question I used to face was " When are you getting married?" Then later on, it is to " When are you planning to have children?" Then, it's " What are your children doing now?" Before you can answer, relatives give along list of profession their sons and daughters or grandchildren are doing ! Sheezh! The list goes on but I have always taken it all in good spirits and with a pinch of salt & sugar at the same time! I wasn't particularly thrilled about going to wedding dinners as the quips this time are " Wow ! You look so big! " or " You look like your father!" or " Wah! You look prosperous!" and the list continues.
This time around, the quips were not different from the years I used to know them but I guess, as you grow older, you'll get used to it. The only difference now is that I hug my cousins and relatives. I don't know why but I guess, it was really good to see them after all these years and hugging seemed to make us closer. I remembered SLing pulled me aside and told me , " Hey, these people are not Christians and you are hugging them like nobody's business. They might have a wrong impression of you! " Hmmnnnn.... I detected a hint of "jealousy" perhaps! Well, like all good men, I told her that these are cousins whom I have not met for donkey years , so, a little closeness would be good. After all, nearly all my female cousins were in their best of attires while some aunties dresses seemed like their buttons or stitch -seems would be bursting out from their dresses soon! Now, that would be a scene, wouldn't it? I also detected an uncle who was wearing his shirt and pants that looked like the shirt buttons are going to give way very very soon ! I wonder if he could actually see his shoes from where he is standing with all the distraction in front of him! I mean, the bulging stomach-lah! Well, I continued hugging every one of my relatives that I came across as I guess, it's been ages since we meet up. Then mom would dragged me from one corner to another introducing "my son" to everyone she knows! Ah! That's mom's love, I guess! Again, I've gone through all this everytime I go to wedding dinners with her. But that's mom, I guess! I love her dearly!
Interestingly, I sat beside an old uncle and his wife from Paya Rumput at Table 23 while mom was at Table 22. Yup! We are all assigned to our seats nowadays. Uncle and I shared some laughs together especially on the lateness of the dinner time. He told me this, " Kalau di kampung, siang-siang orang dah bising. Kalau dah tahu macam ini lambat, baik gua sental roti canai dulu!" We both alaughed out loud while SLing added that we could have had a bowl of wan tan mee first! The time was about 8.25 pm when the first dish was out. This old man then related to me how he was related to the bridegroom's family and I was more confused than he is , actually! As I spooned him some dish, he kept telling me " Tangki kecik. Tangki Honda lama! Jangan kasi banyak-banyak" I laughed my head off, actually. I really haven't had so much fun attending a wedding dinner. We joked and laughed about a lot of things. I came to know that this old uncle had only 2 children while he himself had 10 siblings. When we finally parted, I kinda miss the old guy's company at the table. He was such a fun to SLing and I. One thing he was dead srious was when he noted that the married couple was asked to kiss at one of the table, he was quick to add, " Gua cakap siang-siang sama gua punya anak, jangan buat ini semua sebab orang tua-tua ada. Tak baik. Tak manis. Kena hormat. Tak senonoh!" Hmmmnnnn..... old school of thought , some may say but I say, he has a point though. Afterall, he is a full blooded Peranakan-lar! He has his points , actually. He relates how Peranakans are quite conservative people but times have change the way things are. Well, there is always two sides of the coin on this matter. So, you'll just have to pick which is the best option, actually!
As I lay down to sleep that night, I looked at SLing and I am glad that I did not "misbehave" at the dinner in any way. I guess, I have mellowed down considerably. I've had my share of fun & naughty time at wedding receptions and wedding dinners. I am just glad to walk down memory lane once again. Sure is fun but I don't intend to attend too many wedding dinners as it would burn a big hole in my financial pocket and bring up the levels of my cholestrol checking.
It's the 8th month of the Chinese calendar- There are bound to be more marriage dinners all over this month. Now, get ready, get set! Munch the food!