Our journey started at about 11.30am and by 2.30pm, we had arrived in Kukup town. Boarding the doorless van which look frightfully dangerous as though the back door may just give way any time,
As we settled down, the houseowner, Mdm.Lee told us that our curry chicken and fried bee hoon are ready. A short prayer and a few minutes later, we dug into our first of the many food prepared for us for the day. As it was still blazing hot and humid season, we immediately went into fellowship mode and soon the famous prawn fritters ala Kukup was our next food spread! It tasted good and heavenly, I tell you! Then it's back to the rooms to cool ourselves down with some air-conditioning pampering before getting ready for our sunset boat cruise. There was a time of fun, laughter and great moments especially at the fish kelong or floating fish farms. Anyway, it was still blistering hot eventhough it was evening. We then decided to "tour" Kukup town before heading back to our accomodation for some rest before dinner time.
As the kuaci, ice-cream potong, dried fruit stuff and soft drinks rolled in, a good dose of cool breeze stepped in to massage our wet stained bodies. This was followed by lots of laughter and just a time of laid back rest. Then we saw the succulent prawns, the chicken wings, sambal sotong, sting ray and otak-otak in neat aluminium packages plus fish balls, sausages and vegetables delights being prepared. We all knew we are in for a good treat. Sweaty, smelly and still perspiring as the cool breeze died down, we ate, we laughed, we ate, we fellowship and we ate. As our stomach bulged and burped with satisfaction, it was fun seeing the Singaporeans visitors burning their cash by buying ton loads of firecrackers for a night of fireworks display! Afterall, they are kiasu-mah. So, we just allow them to make a fool of themselves and be kiasu-lor, right?
But each time, the firecrackers exploded, we would all shout " Huat...arh ! "Anyway, at first it was fun watching the fireworks but at 3.00am, they are still shooting up firecrackers as though they owned the town, it ain't fun anymore! Anyway, if it's good for Kukup economy, why not, right?
The next morning, we started our sharing session and it was really a fun time. Everyone spoke on how the ministry had had an impact on their lives. Many of the young leaders spoke well of the contributions from our beloved past commanders, Comdr. Vive & Comdr. Sathy. As the older leaders spoke on the focus to the well-being of the ministry, I could sense a spirit of commaderie, commitment and passion. Yes, we are truly blessed to have great young & mature leaders in this ministry.
It was truly blessed to see them grow in that way and they have indeed lived up to the expectation of a Royal Rangers commander.
As we bid farewell to Kukup that day, I know deep in my heart that God had blessed each and every one of us in His special way. I pray that as the leaders take this experience with them, they will learn and continue this fine tradition of rest, rejuvenate and restore! Thank you every one for making this leaders retreat a great time of love, sharing, caring and a time of fun.~